For the easily entertained

I like this part
The 666 revelry is just the latest chapter in the town's storied history of publicity stunts, said Jason LeTeff, one of its 72 year-round residents — or, as the mayor calls them, Hellions or Hell-billies. But LeTeff wasn't particularly enthused.
The Gates of Hell should be installed at a children's play area in time for the festivities.

"Now, here I am living in Hell, taking my kids to church and trying to teach them the right things and the town where we live is having a 6-6-6 party," he said.

The town you live in is called Hell, this should come as a surprise.

*makes plans to visit Intercourse Pennsylvania.
A.B.Normal said:

The town you live in is called Hell, this should come as a surprise.

*makes plans to visit Intercourse Pennsylvania.

So if someone bilks you out of all your money there, does that mean you got fucked in Intercourse?