For this Monday morning...


Because we are all so fond of Monday mornings, how about a little group hug? Those who don't want to participate can have a :cocktail: instead.


Its past lunch in the Low Countries... its a bit late to be breaking out the bleary eyed 'I need coffee' smilie... unless you just happened to wake up in a strange house wearing someone elses clothes. In that case, bon apetit.
Uncle H, huggggg......

and I think Shadowfax just got up anyways. Or something like that. He is Dutch, afterall... :p :p
Ah yes.. I keep forgetting that the entire country works for the porn and tulip industry. The whole place wakes up late.

Yes, I did came out of bed at 11am...amazingly late :D
On Sunday I had to get out at 06:30 'cause I had to work...

Not the whole country is like that, but I enjoy evenings a LOT better than mornings.