Well-Known Member
By the by ... is anyone here, besides myself, aware that at one time the ATF (subsequently BATF and currently BATFE) was in possession of twenty-two OV-10D attack aircraft which they purchased from the Defense Department?
It is a matter of Congressional Record.
The ATF ended up selling the planes back to DoD after this came out. Is this the type of policing we want here in America? How does one suppose that these types of advanced weapons would be used against American citizens?
A flying example of the OV-10D Bronco based at a museum in Germany.
It is a matter of Congressional Record.
According to the sources, the ATF's OV-10Ds, recently were overhauled under the government's Service Life Extension Program and were equipped with a state-of-the-art forward-looking infrared (FLIR) system that allows the pilot to locate and identify targets at nights -- similar to the tracking system used on the Apache advanced attack helicopter.
Designed by Rockwell International, the OV-10D originally was outfitted with two 7.62mm M-60C machine guns, each with 500 rounds of ammunition. It also was modified to carry one Sidewinder missile under each wing, Snakeye bombs, fire bombs, rocket packages and cluster bombs.
The OV-10D can carry a 20mm gun turret with 1,500 rounds of ammunition.
The ATF ended up selling the planes back to DoD after this came out. Is this the type of policing we want here in America? How does one suppose that these types of advanced weapons would be used against American citizens?

A flying example of the OV-10D Bronco based at a museum in Germany.