Ford's new CEO gets $18.5 million to take job

35%, or is it 28%? He's now one of those who pay the top1% who pay 36% of all federal taxes.

How do you get a job like this? Get a degree & a job where you can work yourself to death & provide better foot massages than your competition. Get a family that doesn't mind your being home for 2-3 hours a night, maybe. Sacrifice your health for the company. Then you too can get a huge payout just before you die.
You can't. In our "classless" society you're not in the right class.

Actualy Gonz is not to far from the truth, bet the self made billionaire today work 20 hours a day. I would say Trump problebly sleeps 2 or 3 hours a night when he is busy...
Its a mere drop in the bucket compared to what he will make in internal stock option deals. He stands to make thrice his salary in it... if not more. Any decent CEO wouldn't jump on board without it.
If you live in a classless society, you ought to bite your tongue when you walk & chew gum cause you ain't go no sense.
yeah there ain't no such thing as class in america. american exceptionalism isn't just hogwash ideology, it's durn true!

la la la la.
Its a mere drop in the bucket compared to what he will make in internal stock option deals. He stands to make thrice his salary in it... if not more. Any decent CEO wouldn't jump on board without it.
IIRC, thats what the Google suit-n-ties do. $1 in salaries and the rest in stock. Rather pay capital gains than income. Something like that.