New Member
So our scientists have managed to make a weapon so powerful as to affect the very weather and shake the roots of the world and yet we haven't come up with an effective and comfy shoe insert? ... the mind boggles.
samcurry said:So why the change of subject? what does us having a base at garcia have to do with the tsunami?
Nah. Anything more than a B cup won't leave room for my foot.Winky said:Is this about the right size?
or are you partial to the Double Z's?
samcurry said:So your insuinating that because we have a base there we had something to do with the direction the tsunami went.
ResearchMonkey said:Oh TG, you don’t have to be cool to kick-it here, we love you just the same.![]()
You have no idea how well these quandries fit you; to you they are ever so reasaonable and important in this time of trouble. We see thru your vails, you're looking to place blame so “it can be fixed™”. Yet you’ve already shown your hand too many times to make that case.
Since it has already been established that there will be a sensor system placed, your facade to “fix it™” is a moot point.
We agree you posted simple questions, and they have been answered. I find it rather dismal (yet cute) of you to come post them again because you didn’t like the answers in the other thread, they simply didn’t fit your aganda.
Now as far you having a conspiracy theory about how +100,000 people were let to die by the greater free nations; that would make your fiesty psyche a little twisted and boderline on bizarre.
However, I took the trouble to feed your delusion and you walked right over it. Not only does my single clue show how we would have known about the quake forehand, it explains how we’re capable planning and executing it at will. I wish I could be of more help to you, but as it would violate my oath and is against US federal law for me to divulge to you how I know of this.
…. Go young Pedowan, I have given you the answer to the question you are seeking.
Let me assure you this; you are both young and beautiful, and the world will love you for it.
Walk with me in this world, I will teach you wonders that will make you tremble with tears of joy.
...more will be revealed
samcurry said:then our plans for world domination has started, beware NZ, China, Japan are next on the list.
oh and if you didnt read all they wrote.
"The island was protected by its favourable ocean topography. East of the atoll lies the 650-kilometre-long Chagos Trench, an underwater canyon plunging more than 5000 metres. The depth of the Trench and its grade to the shore makes it difficult for tsunami to build before passing the atoll. In addition, undersea coral reefs may have dissipated much of the waves' impact"
Pitch another cause that one went outta the park.