Forming the World Gov't -


Well-Known Member
So....we're forming a new World Orde...umh....Government and we need your help.

Which laws would you follow?
Which form should this govt take shape as?
What kind of leadership?
Representation by nation-states? In which proportion?
Which rights supercede others?

This is your chance....our leader Puter-Tutor is counting on us.

Long live PT!!!:headbang:
Laws to follow would have to start with the base laws from every country. Basically, anything that is illegal in every country now would be illegal in the World Gov. After that, congress and our reps would be very busy seeing about enacting new laws for the people. There would, of course be local law as well as world law, and possibly even national law.

Leadership would have to be done on a council basis, with the top position elected from the council. The top position wouldn't have any real power except for tie-breakers in the council itself.

Representation would be tricky. I would have to start by basing it on Population and land size, and see where it goes from there. Economic power would probably have to come into the mix too though. It's hard to say right now.

Rights that supercede others? Simple.
HomeLAN said:
First step - plot overthrow of PT.

* Wave of hand

Have him executed.

I think I'm gonna like this job, now where are my cute interns?
**Puts on best Bush imitation voice**

"...we believe that Mr. Tutor has been amassing weappons of mass destraction, and as such represents a threat to the people of the United States (and my interns)...we shall drive him out of the bedroom. God bless America..."

In all's another question? Universal language for use in laws/govt/etc... ?

National Holidays? (We've got enough taking in all current countries to get every day off, every year.

Long live PT!!!
:headbang: :headbang:
English, duh! it is my language after all. Seriously though, hasn't english become pretty well the international language, or am I just deluding myself?

National Holidays? Hmm. I guess we'd have to put a limit on that quickly. Independence days would probably be the ones that most countries would want, even though they would pretty well become meaningless then anyway. I think that kind of thing could stay local, or national without problems.
New World Order means, IMO, free trade, not one government. I'll become a freedom fighter if that's the case.
One Gov't
One Country
No more borders to fight over
No more need for extradition

English as the 'lingua franca'
I love the theory & don't buy that we, as a species, are ready for it.
I do wonder what would happen to our freedoms. Surely we would have to give some up for this to work.
The only way to make a one world government work is to make it socialist. Can't have the wheat fileds of the area formerly known as Kansas using too much water & depriving those that live in the deserts of the country formerly known as Iran. And you know how those damned people in the country formerly known as South Africa hate sharing diamonds with Eskimos.