fracture or sprain?


Well-Known Member
My cousin ( a nurse ) said I should go and get my foot checked out .. cause it doesn't look that great *sigh* ... oh well ... I guess I get to get off of work early then :D

Wish me luck .. (but don't tell me to "break a leg", smartasses) :D
from here i am pleased to tell you that it's not broken.

btw, i'm not a doctor or useful in any way :)
It ain't broken. I'm absolutely positive.
But if it is, don't sue me, I'm not a doctor. I'm an engineer. I fix things, not people. :)
frankly, an architect is no use for your foot unless you want it to look pritty :)
nalani said:
My cousin ( a nurse ) said I should go and get my foot checked out .. cause it doesn't look that great *sigh* ... oh well ... I guess I get to get off of work early then :D

Wish me luck .. (but don't tell me to "break a leg", smartasses) :D

Gods! I go off for just a few days and you're breaking things already! :eek: Sheesh :p As my daughter likes to day, you're not 'posed to do that. :headbang:
Does she listen to me what I tell her to go to the doc ... nooooooo! But she listens to someone who's a nurse *sniffle*

nalani just called with an update ... she just finished taking x-rays and "it doesn't look good."

hello! "it doesn't look good" ... and she wasn't even going to go to the doc's :disgust2:

ku'u, now .. you know I'd listen ... if I had the capacity to listen to other people :D

I went to the doc .. I have a hairline fracture and massive soft tissue swelling .. I opted not to get it casted though ... I have a trip to the continent in a few weeks :)
if you want a second opinion i can give you a full physical.... :D

*prepares self for high-quality bitchslap*
ris - I won't bitchslap you for offering a full physical .. I will if it's a crappy one though :D

HomeLAN - no crutches .. I can walk on it pretty much .. just can't put a lot of pressure on it .. or turn it ... or bend it .. :D
oh it won't be crappy, i can put a rub down on the list too if you want ;)*rub rub* *rub rub* :D