France:Fighting for the terrorists?


molṑn labé
Staff member
or just greedy stinky backstabbing bastards?

LONDON — France threatened yesterday to block a deal for Libya to pay $2.7 billion in compensation for victims of the 1988 Lockerbie bombing, demanding that it receive payments from Libya for a 1989 airline explosion over Niger.

In London, Libya's ambassador to Britain, Muhammad Al-Zouai, said France was threatening to block the lifting of U.N. sanctions, which he said would scuttle the deal.

He said France cannot make any new demands on Libya since it has already settled the case with Libya, which paid $35 million to the UTA French airlines' victims in 1999 "and the case is closed."

Washington Times
I understand that France has lost 3,000 lives to their heat wave. That's near 10x our military losses in Iraq, and close to the number of innocent lives taken in the WTC. What goes around does come around, in one way or another.... Even if it is a random act of nature.
All those cool wine cellars & people are dying because of the heat :rolleyes:
interesting to see that so many things are being compared here which are completely irrelevant to eachother. pretty sad.