
I have some freckles on my shoulders. Not the "redhead" type of freckles, rather a really light brownish-yellow ones.

I love chicks with freckles btw.
Mine aren't very prominent like on a redhead but if I don't use the sunscreen liberally that come out like crazy.
I'm with Luis on the chicks with freckles thing. Women with freckled chests make my little heart go pitter-patter. :brow:
Naturally blonde, so yeah, I gots freckles across my nose, and shoulders. You only notice them close up though.
I'm with Luis on the chicks with freckles thing. Women with freckled chests make my little heart go pitter-patter. :brow:

Women with chests make my little heart go pitter-patter.

Irish kid here, freckles pretneer everywhere there's skin. :D
I'm with Luis on the chicks with freckles thing. Women with freckled chests make my little heart go pitter-patter. :brow:

Amen. I've always been attracted to women with freckles. It's not a deal breaker if she doesn't have them, but there's just something about 'em...

I have a few on my shoulders.
I got a bit pink yesterday - wasn't really expecting the perfectly sunny and bright day we had...didn't use sunscreen. Looks like I'll be freckly deeper into the winter this year.