fred the fish.

fish for breakfast b'ye? I ain't never eard of such a ting and I'se from the rock!!!
Kippers fer breakfast? Maybe tis cause I don't fancy dem. I think me fa'ter used to eat them fer breakfast though if me memory serves me right.
Then you have heard of fish for breakfast. I knew it. I love kippers. Shame you can't get decent ones over here. Used to be able to get them (costly tho) at Marks and Spencers. But since they folded, I'm fasting.
If I 'ad known I coulda dropped by with some on me way back to Brampton.
No you wouldn't have. You didn't even want to stop. Not even for a coffee at the Tim Horton's. You didn't want your Mom finding out that you spend your time online chatting with creepy old men.
I told her about you. She said I should have got your # so we could call you if we got lost.
That is very true

"This, nine-zero. You, one-two-zero"


Was my mom who got the ticket, not me btw.
every time my dear bf theinnersanctom comes over, he, like... looks like he's gonna pet Tish, or something.
one day he even said he wanted to eat her :(
Nixy said:
That is very true

"This, nine-zero. You, one-two-zero"


Was my mom who got the ticket, not me btw.
LOL that sounds like it would have been phreaking hilarious to see!!!
I was INSANE. The funniest part was my mom's on and off rant for the rest of the drive home. :D
She thinks that any cop on the transcanada highway should be fully bilingual. I agree with her.
But you don't have to learn both? I know it was French and English, but does it just vary by province as to what the majority of the people speak, or what?