Free Dial Up


Staff member
BAH! I fucking hate Bell Canada with every fibre of my being! I will have a phone on Friday when I move but my net may take UP TO A WEEK MORE! I have ben trying to get this set up for THREE WEEKS, and everyone kept telling me it wouldn't be a problem and BLAH BLAH BLAH! NOW IT'S A PROBLEM!

Anyway, I'm gonna sign up for a free dial up service before I move so I can atleast check my email and check in here every so often. Any suggestions of services to check out?
There's no cable lines in the apartment and at this point it's WAY too late to get anything done for Friday. The dial up is just for a week.
What I did when it took 89 weeks to get the DSL going was sign up for the Bell 3 months free dialup dealie thing, and then cancel it as soon as the DSL was working. I did it over the phone and the dialup was working immediately.
What I did when it took 89 weeks to get the DSL going was sign up for the Bell 3 months free dialup dealie thing, and then cancel it as soon as the DSL was working. I did it over the phone and the dialup was working immediately.

Bell has 3 free months? Really? Unlimited?
When we moved here they did, they always have, so, probably.

Give er a shot.
Bell scares me, I'm scared I'm gonna get tied into some friggin contract with this net and I wanna switch to Primus PRONTO after it's all set up
Plus, I can't find ANYTHING on Bell's website without having a friggin' active phone number!!

Anyone have any experience with NetZero?
No free access in Toronto...I checked :(

Only "Premium" services, but i might get it even though it's only for a week or so
Dial-up? WHat's that?
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netzero does still offer free, but it's limited to 10hrs./mo.

They don't tell you, but I have a "backup" account.
It's platinum, but only $5/mo.

Tell them you have highspeed, but just need theirs for a backup connection.

I don't know about in Canada though...
It's like $7 a month in Canada...I don't even care about "back up account" though, I just want something for ONE WEEK until I get my high speed.
It's like $7 a month in Canada...I don't even care about "back up account" though, I just want something for ONE WEEK until I get my high speed.

Its called bargaining position young lady.If they know your desperate for a Net fix ,they have the upper hand, if they figure your only using them as a backup ,they're your Biatch.:bgpimp:
Its called bargaining position young lady.If they know your desperate for a Net fix ,they have the upper hand, if they figure your only using them as a backup ,they're your Biatch.:bgpimp:

Yeah but I don't wanna pay for it at all :p

I'm gonna be coming here on Wednesday anyway (cause I have an early morning meeting here in Brampton) so I'll only have to go a few days then I'll get a fix, then a few more days I should be hooked up.