FREE Orchids!


I don't know if anyone emailed him but I just got an email from him last night that he sent a shipment to me. YAAAAAY! I don't know how many he sent but I told him I couldn't handle more than 20 plants. The shipping cost is $5.75, multiply that by 300 people (at least) and this guy shelled out over $1700. from his own pocket. You just don't hear about kindness like that anymore. He gave me his return address so I'm going to make sure I send him at the very least the cost of shipping and a little something more or a little gift to say thanks. If he sent me 20 plants, they could easily cost $400. in any store, and that's being conservative.

See, I told you it wasn't too late to send him an email. I hope you listened and sent him something!

Anyway, I'm not sure how they're going to fare with the temps being the way they are, they're coming from Seattle Washington to NY, hopefully they won't be frozen when they get here!

**doing happy dance**
wow that's just unbelieveable!!! super!

how long do you think the shipping will take? amazing!
Thanks guys. Les, some people on the east coast said it only took two days, which would be great. I've got them being delivered to work so they're not sitting on my front stoop freezing their little roots off. :D

I told this woman at work and the first words out of her mouth was "Can I have one?!" :laugh: My first impression was "No! Mine!" but then I thought of the generosity of Mike in giving them out so of course, I'm going to give her one.

Probably the crappiest one, but she'll get one. ;)
:lol: attaway to share :D

2 days isn't bad...hopefully they're not too frozen :eh: but I bet he's figured out how to pack them best by now.

*waiting for pics*
:laugh: Nope, not yet. Probably tomorrow. I got an email from someone else who had gotten some orchids and he told me not to get my hopes up. That they're seedlings, they're not really large and I shouldn't expect more than 5. That's cool, anything would be good. It's actually got me interested in a new type of orchid that I never considered growing before for some reason. It could take years to get my first bloom from them but I already have at least five seedlings so I'm good for now.

At this point, I'm counting the days till March 1st, when I should be able to see my spring bulbs start breaking ground. I have plans nonstop from spring until fall for new plants and ideas. I hate winter, when nothing grows. But already, the sunlight is lasting longer. :dance:
I'm looking forward to it too I was just looking at the mounds of snow on my postage stamp today thinking what I am going to do this spring :D

ooooooooooooooooooh I can't wait!
Today's the big day.

Of course, GF'll probably get fired for playing with her new plants instead of doing her job.
I got 'em and they're really sad looking but I know the potential that lies within!

I only got 6. 5 are pretty much seedlings, small guys. Then there's a huge one that's bigger than anything else I already have. But it has scale insects on it. And the leaves of all of them seem to have had some trouble in shipping, or prior. Nothing that can't be remedied by my anal TLC.

I did play with them a little. I had to take them out of the box and unpack them to make sure they got warm enough. I had all 6 laying out bare root all day on my desk. Four people asked me if I was growing pot. :D

I'm going to take some pictures and see if I can find some pics online of what they'll look like when they grow up. :dance:
cool beans!!! six is better than a kick in the head, so it's all good.

and I think if anyone is anal enough to save them it's you :lol:
Ok. Actual pics in a minute. I only found one actual picture that I know one of these will look like. If it lives and thrives, that is.

Epi. Chimborazoensis:

There's another one that I know will be somewhat purple because one of it's parents is and I know the genus so it will most likely look similar to this: but I have no idea. I'm excited about this one because it already had a dried up flower spike on it. I might be able to get it to bloom pretty soon if I can kepe the scale under control. This is the big one, it had five pseudobulbs (trunks with leaves) but I had to cut one off and make two seperate pieces.

There are two more I know the genus of, the flowers will be the same shape as this but I don't know what colors they'll be:

Ok lemme go get the actual pictures.
First picture, along the bottom are the little seedlings. On the top are the two pieces of the big one I seperated. See the color difference between the one on the left and the right? The one on the right had more scale insects than the one on the left. We'll see if they both make it.

Second picture is my current collection of Cattleyas in my aquarium. Look a hell of a lot better than the new ones, don't they? I think I can get them looking as good, they'll just be a little cramped in there till I can figure something else out.

Thanks for humoring me. I get so excited about this stuff. :D