Free range eggs not as healty as previously proposed


Well-Known Member
Just as dairy products and decaf coffee were supposed to be harmful and later found to be safe, now the recommended free range eggs are found to be less safe than we were told.


Free-range eggs 'contain five times as much pollution as those from caged birds'

By Niall Firth
Last updated at 2:15 PM on 17th June 2010

Ethical shoppers are being warned that free-range eggs may be less healthy than those from caged birds.

Scientists found that free-range eggs contain at least five times higher levels of certain pollutants than normal eggs.

Around 17 per cent of the free range eggs had levels that European regulators would have deemed unsafe for consumption.

The study was carried out in Taiwan but the findings will raise concerns about the safety of eating free-range chicken eggs in the UK.

Free-range chickens are those that have continuous access to fresh air, sunshine, and exercise, in contrast to chickens that are confined to cages.

But scientists suspect that free-range chickens may risk getting higher levels of exposure to environmental pollutants, particularly PCDDs and PCDFs, potentially toxic substances that are produced as by-products of burning waste.

Also known as dioxins, these substances may cause a wide range of health problems in humans, including reproductive and developmental problems and cancer.

They found that the free-range eggs contained 5.7 times higher levels of PCDDs and PCDFs than the regular eggs.

The scientists collected six free-range eggs and 12 regular eggs from farms and markets in Taiwan and analysed the eggs for their content of dioxins.

Taiwan is a heavily populated, industrialized island with many of the municipal incinerators that release PCDDs and PCDFs.

But the authors of the report warned that the issue could be more widespread.

They wrote: 'The issue of contamination in free range eggs could be a global issue, and more research should be done to identify the factors from the external environment that influence and modify the PCDD/F levels in eggs from free range hens.'

The researchers believe the free range eggs contain pollutants which the hens pick up from being free to feed in the open.

They said the chemicals were present in 'feedstuffs, soil, plants, worms and insects'.

Demand for eggs from free-range chickens has increased steadily due to their supposed better nutritional qualities, including higher levels of certain healthy fats.

The findings appear in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.
Taiwan is a heavily populated, industrialized island with many of the municipal incinerators that release PCDDs and PCDFs.

Anyone wanna bet that pretty much anything grown in the area or anything fed on locally grown foods (including humans) have lots of PCDDs and PCDFs in them? Hmmm...maybe Taiwan's industrial farms buy their chicken food from somewhere other than Taiwan....hmmm....grain not full of PCDD and PCDF...hmmm.
yeah i would not trust that stuff from taiwan either.

gee, jim, i didn't know dairy products were harmful????
Precisely, Winky..and thank you for completing the loop. Humans pollute the water, air and ground and then have the gall to look gob-smacked when it comes back and smacks us in the face.

It's even worst when we say 'industrialization got us into this mess, then by damn, industrialization will get us out too'.
gee, jim, i didn't know dairy products were harmful????

Milk was found to be a carcinogen. Among others.

Precisely, Winky..and thank you for completing the loop. Humans pollute the water, air and ground and then have the gall to look gob-smacked when it comes back and smacks us in the face.

It's even worst when we say 'industrialization got us into this mess, then by damn, industrialization will get us out too'.

It's worked so far.
Information Society

It’s worked so far but we’re not out yet - pure energy

cani get dolphin with that tuna sandwich
yeah i would not trust that stuff from taiwan either.

gee, jim, i didn't know dairy products were harmful????

You don't remember the 20 year campaign against dairy? Dairy was supposed to give you hardening of the arteries, heart attacks, etc. We were told that transfats were far superior to dairy and far safer than dairy. Don't forget about BGH, either.

Now they tell us that dairy is safer than transfats and that transfats -- which they espoused and promoted for 20 years -- will kill us. Just look at any bag of chips which have "No Transfats" or "0 Transfats" emblazoned on them.

Then there was the campaign against red meats. "Eat red meat and your heart won't beat" was the slogan. Chicken and turkey were promoted as being safer than red meat. Same thing, hardening of the arteries, heart attacks, etc. That campaign continues to this day.
Precisely, Winky..and thank you for completing the loop. Humans pollute the water, air and ground and then have the gall to look gob-smacked when it comes back and smacks us in the face.

It's even worst when we say 'industrialization got us into this mess, then by damn, industrialization will get us out too'.

Back in the seventies, when the whole mercury in tuna mess came about, humans were blamed for the mercury. They took samples of fish specimens from the National Archives and found that the mercury levels in fish were no higher today than they were 100 years ago.
I bet those tuna were using CFL's to light their way & they broke some