Free speech is a one way street 2


molṑn labé
Staff member

Fri Jul 23 2004 11:19:45 ET

The 24-foot-long sign at Halftime Pizza across the street from Boston's FleetCenter isn't exactly welcoming to the Democratic National Convention: "Say!!!!! D.N.C. Thanks for Nothing!!! Go Bush."

Security measures and the availability of free food for delegates led Mark Pasquale, owner of Halftime, to shut his restaurant down for the week of the convention and erect the sign.


On Friday, WRKO-AM's Peter Blute and Scott Allen Miller reported how Pasquale has been confronted by city inspectors who have threatened to fine him unless he takes the anti-Dem sign down!

Pasquale told Blute and Scotto that while he doesn't want any trouble, he will continue to exercise his First Amendment rights by keeping the sign up in spite of any fines.

The sad thing is: It's free speech...As long as you don't go against the president. The moment you say something that's negative about him you're branded as a heretic, and hunted by Tom Ridge and his lynching mob.
I see you keep your weekly talking points.

You certainly are clever aren't you.

Did you read the story, these are the dems, they are wanting the sing removed.
I did read it, and I know the Dem's want it removed. Yes, he does have a right to keep it, and he should say "screw you if you don't like it" (which he is)
But I was making a point. Remember the Whoopi comments in the DNC? Yeah, I have NEVER seen someone so forcefully demand to see a Whoopi stand-up. It seems that anyone who openly states anti-bush comments is chastised even worse. (I went to Oklahoma for 10 days...I'm amazed I wasn't chased back to the airport while Pitchforks and torches where being thrown at me.)
Whoopi was fired by a company that didn't want it's name tied to her after such disparaging remarks about our wartime commander in chief. Did the same people, you included, get this upset & protest when GLADD & other organizations demnded that Dr LAura be removed from television?

It's okay to compare Bush to Hitler but it's wrong to make a business decision? People want to see what Whoopi said only after Kerry said that is what most Americans believe. Is he correct or is (that diet company)? Let us judge.
If you play you pay. There are number of people I will make a effort to avoid letting my money slip into their pockets. (even if whoopi think I owe it to her becuase she is whoopi)

So if you got chased out with pitch-forks, would that be free speech or what?
"the famous First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Here it is in full, word for word:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Get it? Congress shall make no law... "
for those who don't fully understand our language

Main Entry: abridge
Pronunciation: &-'brij
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): abridged; abridg·ing
Etymology: Middle English abregen, from Middle French abregier, from Late Latin abbreviare, from Latin ad- + brevis short -- more at BRIEF
1 a archaic : DEPRIVE b : to reduce in scope : DIMINISH <attempts to abridge the right of free speech>
2 : to shorten in duration or extent <modern transportation that abridges distance>
3 : to shorten by omission of words without sacrifice of sense : CONDENSE
synonym see SHORTEN