Freedom of Speech is a one way street


molṑn labé
Staff member
Or so says so many on the left.

Philadelphia homosexual activists say they will seek a court to prevent protesters from attending their "pride" events in the future.

Wares them thar Hetero non-deviant git married before you make babies see to it you raise yer kids right provide for your family Pride parades @?
It's my experience that most people, left, right or in between, feel like free speech only applies when they agree with what you are saying.
Amen chcr. i have seen it and felt that for years. its really to bad too.
The second side of free speech isn't excersized often. When was the last time that you saw pro-choice rallies outside of Catholic churches or Jews burning Stars of David outside of KKK member houses? :)

I think that they know that they don't have a legal leg to stand on. Maybe they're just trying to avoid violence at their rallies. If that is the case though... they should be asking for police to keep the peace, not cause more trouble by bringing lawyers into the fray.
exactly bish. here in indiana they call on the police to help with it usually. but every once in a while youll read headlines like this where lawyers are drug in.
Lawyers rarely get dragged into anything, unless it's by a bench order. They run salivating to this type of case, drooling over the media exposure.
HomeLAN said:
Lawyers rarely get dragged into anything, unless it's by a bench order. They run salivating to this type of case, drooling over the media exposure.
No doubt.
Winky said:
Wares them thar Hetero non-deviant git married before you make babies see to it you raise yer kids right provide for your family Pride parades @?

Ain't no need fer stupid shit like parades. We's got babies to farm.