But Gonz, it is not a tradition, it's a newly enacted law by the PC crowd, pure and simple. The government alone can judge what is or is not a "conspicous" display. I wouldn't have pegged you as anti-freedom of expression. Oh, and they're Sikhs.Gonz said:The Sihks in France need to follow French tradition or go home.
a planned ban on religious symbols in state institutions
Gonz said:Moi? The hater of all things French. Being obtuse for defending their right to run their country as they see fit?
Ok, I just don't get this whole liberal thing. Can you point out how I can be against something the is right but is supposed to be wrong. I just don't get it.
It reminds me of the whole Patriot act debacle. I'm still trying to find concrete evidence of it abusing our rights & I just can't.
chcr said:Okay, put it this way. Can Catholics wear the cross? Can Jews wear the Star of David? Laws are supposed to be fair and even handed, this one is arbitrary. It is strictly their business. It's mine if I want to point out how un-democratic it is.
The law would ban all "conspicuous" symbols of faith - including Muslim veils, Jewish skullcaps, large Christian crosses and even, if they are considered signs of religious affiliation, beards and bandanas - from all state institutions, starting in September.
I didn't call you liberal. You read it that way. And if you look through all these posts, you'll find that I've been labeled plenty of times. It's human nature.
Gonz said:The Sihks in France need to follow French tradition or go home.