friday night at home (kicks feet up)


New Member it's friday night, and for the first time in a long time, i'm at home. alone. with no plans. no date. no nothing. and i actually think i like it. it's kind of a new thing for me. i'm usually so busy trying to figure my life out, my life just kind of passes me by. one week to the next, into a weekend, jam packed with this and that. although those things are great...sometimes, it's even better to just sit back an recharge the battery!! i wanted to thank you guys for being nice to me. being new and all, and being introduced the way i was.....not always the best....and although things with ae/ab didn't work out, i think i might stick around a bit!!

thanks again

Getting out to a bar and drinking every weekend is just getting old. So today I'm willingly staying home 'cause I'm just fed up of it.
I'm staying in tonight...tomorrow I have two BBQs to attend and Sunday I'm going to the Circus so tonight I tidy my room, clean out my car and relax.
browneyedMAC said: it's friday night, and for the first time in a long time, i'm at home. alone. with no plans. no date. no nothing. and i actually think i like it. it's kind of a new thing for me. i'm usually so busy trying to figure my life out, my life just kind of passes me by. one week to the next, into a weekend, jam packed with this and that. although those things are great...sometimes, it's even better to just sit back an recharge the battery!! i wanted to thank you guys for being nice to me. being new and all, and being introduced the way i was.....not always the best....and although things with ae/ab didn't work out, i think i might stick around a bit!!

thanks again


Ever thought of making a trip to California? :D
Paso Robles... it's about half an hour north of San Luis Obispo... almost smack in the middle between LA and San Francisco on Highway 101.
I forgot almost all the Spanish I knew as soon as I finished my second year of it in high school... and I only took two years so I could go to a state university. (That was the first time I was ever HAPPY to get a C- in a class, too.) I remember "feo" and "fanfarron" and what I learned on the menu at Taco Bell, and that's about it for the español.
Thankfully, the fine folks at Tia Juana's and at Rubio's Burrito Bar know enough English for me to get by.
Inkara1 said:
Thankfully, the fine folks at Tia Juana's and at Rubio's Burrito Bar know enough English for me to get by.

you should try a little spanish....the more you use it, the more you remember it!! when i went to the dominican, by the end of my week, i was carrying on conversations with them....well, short conversations, but they gave me credit for only laughed slightly when i messed up words...