friday night at home (kicks feet up)

Altron said:
I really need to work on thinking things out before posting them. This is like the bazillionth time in a row that I've made some sort of dumb comment, gotten called on it, and ended up agreeing with the person who said it was a dumb comment.

*lol*...but isn't it half the fun, just shooting from the hip? who cares if you change your mind two seconds makes for some good conversation...
We are home now. Went and sat on the friend/neighbour's deck for different scenery. That's about as exciting as it gets nowadays, when the kids are home.
I wore a belly shirt tonight and was really uncomfortable about it. Too old or something. It's just not me.
Kruz said:
and the ones who are ... are not the ones who should be.
Truer words were never spoken...
Altron said:
Yeah, but then it's just ass, then it's just boobs, then next thing you know, you're having a threesome with a horse and a transsexual.
Where, where?!?!?!?

Wait, a horse and a transexual? Never mind. :rofl4: