Friends!!! or NOT!!

chatty kathy

New Member
What is it that you think a friend should be like? Do you really believe that there are TRUE friends?? OR BEST FRIENDS??? I myself dont trust anyone to be a best friend...I just figure its better to stay to myself about things.
I do have true friends, they have shown their trust and loyalty several times through hard times for a long time.
there are only a few people that I consider real friends ... the ones i know i can depend on when it matters.

one of my oldest friends is a guy i've known for about 16 years. i'm soooooo glad that my husband gets along with him and isn't resentful & jealous about our friendship.
my best friends have stuck by me when I needed them. a true friend is that same way bt my best friends I spend the most time with and hang out wiht the most
chatty kathy said:
What is it that you think a friend should be like?

First and foremost a real and alive human being or animal.

Do you really believe that there are TRUE friends?? OR BEST FRIENDS???

So I hear...can't talk from first hand experience.

I myself dont trust anyone to be a best friend...I just figure its better to stay to myself about things.

Agreed, I have found that to be a prudent and wise decision time and time again.
I think having Best Friends at certain times in life is a good thing. Its always nice to know you have that certain someone you can confide things in when you need too. BUT, at times in life, as we mature and grow older, is when you find whom your "True Friends" are. Think back at when you were younger and you had a best friend, and think of your time in life right now. Are they still your best friend? What happened to make them not be, if so? So, would you still call them a "best friend-true friend"?

Now a days, I pretty much keep things bottled up inside. Not a good thing. But, there's a time and place for it to want and have to come out. Hopefully even I wont be around when the cap blows.... :D
So no one told you life was gonna be this way
*clappity, clappity, clap*
Your jobs a joke yer broke
erm, dum de dum de day......

What a friend should be?

Be able to laugh with me
Be able to cry with me
Be able to listen
Be able to tell me to shut the fuck up when I'm talkin' shite.

My best friend thinks I'm an asshole. So much so, that he encouraged his other friends to chant about it.

I guess he's tired of me being right all the time.
i have five best freinds.
quite a number of good friends
and a handful or two of acquaintances.

the five best friends are:

-a girl i've known since i was 3 or 4 who's also my neighbor, and has been so unbelievably awesome for me. she was there for me before anyone else was.
-a girl who is amazingly deep and beautiful inside and out, whether she realises it or not. she's very cute and makes me smile and laugh frequently and often. we hang out all the time, and i'm always delighted to keep her company.
- a boy who didnt like me at first, but now confides in me, and i confide in him as well. very amusing and witty. protective of those he cares about, and there's never a dull moment with him.
- a guy who... knows me. i dont know what else to say about him. he might not always understand, but he knows.
- and my boyfriend. we've had our troubles, and he's not the most talkative of all humans, but... he is definitly one of my best friends. we connect in some spooky weird way.

ok, that was long.

but i love these people, and know i'm incredibly blessed to have them.

so... my answer to the question is YES
Professur said:
My best friend thinks I'm an asshole. So much so, that he encouraged his other friends to chant about it.

I guess he's tired of me being right all the time.

In my experience, good friends are the ones that stay your friends even when you're an asshole, and aren't afraid to tell you you're being one. Of course, thats reciprocal as well when it applies.