friggen ants


New Member
where are they coming from?

they're not even coming all at once ... i see one here, one there ... a few minutes later, here crawls another one ... and another one ... why can't they march in a single line so i can find the source? *grrr*

*not yet tempted to clear off my desk to find if there is a nest somewhere*
*may be tempted soon*
kuulani said:
where are they coming from?

they're not even coming all at once ... i see one here, one there ... a few minutes later, here crawls another one ... and another one ... why can't they march in a single line so i can find the source? *grrr*

*not yet tempted to clear off my desk to find if there is a nest somewhere*
*may be tempted soon*
ants like soda..and got empty cans nearby?
nope ... the top of my desk is clear of all liquids and food ... as far as i can tell ... hmmm ...

maybe this is a sign to wipe off the mountain of dust though :alienhuh:

...there is another one!! *squish*
[sings] The ants go marching one by one hooray! hooray! The ants go marching one by one hooray! hooray! The ants go marching one by one, the little one stops to have some fun and they all go marching down, in the ground, to get out of the rain[/sings]

You only get one verse cause I am tired of typing :D
the ants go marching 2 by 2 hurrah hurrah...the ants go marching 2 by 2 hoorah hoorah...the ants go marching 2 by 2, the little one stops to tie his shoe...and they all go marching down to the ground to et out of the rain.....
Coffee grounds and/or babypowder. Ants can't abide either one of them. They won't cross baby-powder because it sticks to their little feet, I'm not sure what it is about coffee that they don't like, but if you place some near where the house meets the ground, they'll stay away. Use the grounds after you've made your coffee, that wastage. You can also go to your local coffee house and get their used coffee-grounds.
what did the pink panther say when he stepped on an ant?
deadant deadant deadantdeadantdeadantdeadantdeadant deadant deadant.....sorry...still love that joke ;)
lemon juice around the indoor perimeter works well...but this type of stuff has never failed me yet

Boric Acid powder? I know that works with roaches, but I didn't know about ants. I heard once that planting mint around the perimeter of your foundation is supposed to keep ants away as well...and it's much less polluting. Is mint native to Hawaii? If not, then scratch that idea. Wouldn't want to have mint running rampant over the island.
no it's a liquid stuff...I use Raid Ant Liquid but I can't find a pic of it anywhere - just a couple drops in every doorway/windowsill and there's not an ant to be found within hours :worship:
Have tons of ants here in the yard....hate those fire ants .....we are always spreading some sort of ant killer on their mounds. I hate bugs I have a spray that I do at least once a month around my windows, doors, etc.
MrBishop said:
Coffee grounds and/or babypowder. Ants can't abide either one of them. They won't cross baby-powder because it sticks to their little feet

*has vision of ants leaving a powder footprint trail* :lol:
chatty kathy said:
Have tons of ants here in the yard....hate those fire ants .....we are always spreading some sort of ant killer on their mounds. I hate bugs I have a spray that I do at least once a month around my windows, doors, etc.

Kathy - Try Amdro on the fire ant mounds. The trick is to sprinkle it around the mounds without disturbing the ants, and do it when no rain is forecast for a couple of days. Amdro is the only thing I have ever used that worked - my yard is now fire-ant free. You can get it at Home Depot, Lowe's, Walmart, etc.
ants... the bain of my existence. Before I moved to the house Im in now I used to be PLAUGED by those creatures. But it was just the little bitty tiny ones. They were unstoppable. Nothing mentioned in the posts above had any long term effect on them. They are evolutions answer to the terminator only much smaller and they don’t travel through time. There ALWAYS seemed to be one or two or three or four crawling around the place, hunting, searching, patrolling, investigating, just waiting to come back to the base with the word “COME ON GUYS! SPILLED KOOL AID CRYSTALS!” *ant stampede* And no matter how many you kill or no matter how much you spray they would come back. Sure you could spray all the cracks and corners and clean everything and they would be gone for a week or two or three or four but they would STILL be back! Nothing worse then coming home after a long day at work and making yourself some dinner and FINALLY sitting down to eat and then noticing over there on the coffee table there is some object under a virtual carpet of little itsy black ants which cover half the table and trail down one leg and all along the wall and disappear in a river under the rug. God… nothing like spending 30 minutes vacuuming and killing ants and getting yourself covered in bug spray and cleaning up the whole mess then wiping down the whole table in the hopes that you will have cleared off every single molecule of whatever it was they were attracted to in the first place. Such a pain… Id rather live in a place where you only have to worry about big things like polar bears and sharks.
We get them once every couple of years. I just get those round traps that they go into, take the poison bait, and bring it back to the nest. You really have no idea how many you have till their little ant carcasses are strewn all over the place and you're sweeping for days.