From a previous thread...

Ripped from here
According to industry data, 30% of the computers in the US and 90% of those in Asia contain illegal software. While we don’t know how many of those are illegal operating installs, we can assume the percentage is substantial. According to a September 2004 study, there are 258 million Internet users in Asia. If the numbers quoted are accurate, that translates into 232 million Asians running some type of illegal software. If even half of that number includes an illegal OS install, we’re talking 116 million illegal copies of Windows. When considering the possible impact of a virus or worm attacking other systems on the Internet, 116 million unpatched users in just one area isn’t a ‘gap’, it’s a fundamental system breakdown.

Microsoft is in a damned-if-you-do, damned-if-you-don’t situation where security and anti-piracy are concerned. Denying thieves the right to patches and updates could both give traction to Linux

I know I'd go Linsux before I'd pay 6-700 buckeroos to outfit my home with legit copies of XP Pro!
I'd be all Linux now, if only they had a "flawless automatic porter" for
all windows compatible programs.
all windows compatible programs

vmware? j/k

So which Windoze proggies can you not live without
(or just use the *nix variants)
Fuckers. I just tried to update and got this.

Windows Update cannot continue because a required service application is disabled. Windows Update requires the following services:

Automatic Updates enables detection, downloading, and installation of critical updates for your computer.

Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) enables faster, restartable downloading of updates.

Event Log logs Windows Update events for troubleshooting. To ensure that these services are enabled:

1. Click Start, and then click Run.
2. Type services.msc and then click OK.
3. In the list of services, right-click the service name, and then click Properties.
4. In the Startup type list, select Automatic.
5. Verify that the service status is started.

If this does not resolve the problem you may request help from one of the following resources.

For self-help options:
Windows Update Response Center
Windows Update Troubleshooter
Windows Update Newsgroups

For assisted support options:
Microsoft Online Assisted Support (no-cost for Windows Update issues)
The only one I have disabled is Automatic Updates. And I'll be damned if I'm going to re-enable it.
must be xp. That's the way it going.
I still run 98, and 2000 on all but one comp, and when those 2 choices run
out I may really switch to linux on all but one.
catocom said:
I'd be all Linux now, if only they had a "flawless automatic porter" for
all windows compatible programs.
Apathy(tm) is my flawless automated porter of choice
tommyj27 said:
Apathy(tm) is my flawless automated porter of choice
Have you tried it with a dongle cards of any kind?
I have an old isa dongle for my digitizing proggy.
No, you do not need to have it on. I think you do have to have the Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) running though.

I turned it off on my laptop and ran Windows Update and it ran just fine. Of course, the Security Center will complain but that can be ignored.
Ok. I tested it and it ran ok. I was about to get really pissed off if that was the plan.

Or, perhaps more useful, turn it on once a month, go manually check out the site and then turn it right back off again.