From bad to worse


Well-Known Member
Trying to move files from work yestaerday, to my hard drive...making space on the HD and I accidentally deleted the HD.
Really fuckin' stupid of me...

So, last night I find myself an undelete program. I start running it...and of course, going from a 60gb HD to a 20GB HD is a slow process...and it's a cheap program that's trying tis best...all my files have weird names of directories df55 df12 etc...and some file names are gone as I have things like 23455234.doc

I have to stop the recovery, move files to the larger drive...erase them from the smaller one and continue the by directory.

I was at it until 2am last night and I've been doing it since 9 this moorning.

All because of a stupid mistake because my mind's on other things! :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
Keep your head down. Superstition says that bad things happen in threes.

There, now wasn't that comforting? ;)
Sorry to hear that Bish!

What happened with 1 and 2?

#1 can be found here:

#2 - long story but the short version is that my son's got asthma, and we've discovered that he's allergic to cats. I've been trying to find homes for them, mostly unsuccesfully for 6+ months. It's breaking my heart but they had to go. They're at the SPCA, and have until Friday evening to get adopted or they get put down. :(
Keep your head down. Superstition says that bad things happen in threes.

There, now wasn't that comforting? ;)
I should've listened.. :(

My Mom got rushed to the hospital last night. I was there until 2am, and I'm going back later this morning.

She was sitting down, and BOOM! Just like that, she leans back llegs thrust forward, arms lax at her sides, head thrown back, mouth open, difficulty breathing, some apnia, eyes rolled back. Unresponsive for 25 minutes!
I should've listened.. :(

My Mom got rushed to the hospital last night. I was there until 2am, and I'm going back later this morning.

She was sitting down, and BOOM! Just like that, she leans back llegs thrust forward, arms lax at her sides, head thrown back, mouth open, difficulty breathing, some apnia, eyes rolled back. Unresponsive for 25 minutes!

The problem with superstitions is that they're wrong so often.
Wish I knew. They're putting her through more tests.

No shaking...probably no epilepy. She didn't turn blue or flushed, didn't have a blinding headache or chest not a heart attack. Stroke's a possibility, but they're not discounting anything.

EEG, EKG, Cat-scan, blood works and a full physical.

I hope that they figure out what it is!
Sounds like a grand mal seizure.
with the exception of the lack of shaking. I've witnessed a few Grand Mall seisures, having worked with 'severely challenged' kids in hte past. It's not pretty..but from what my father tells me, she experienced none of it and he was right there when it happened.
Don't you have some sort of shelter that won't put the cats down after a week?!
Well... my Mother's issue seems to be a 1-2 punch of blood pressure and heart-rate. Her resting BP is 125/90 and heart-rate 90...her active BP is 155/110 and heart-rate 165. *by active, I mean standing, walking etc.*

She'd been having supper (resting)...stood up to go to the loo (active) and sat down (resting). Her BP and heart-rate dropped too damn fast and out she went, like a light.

She's out of the hospital, but we've got follow-up appointments and tests.