From one of the strongest nations to one of the weakest


Well-Known Member
Japan used to be a nation-conquering, badass nation filled with proud people of strong character. What the hell happened to these people that they have become one of the most suicide-prone people on the face of the Earth for some of the most pathetic of reasons?

81 recognized as suicide victims from overwork in 2007
Saturday 24th May, 10:46 AM JST

A record of 81 people were recognized as suicide victims due to mental disorders from overwork in fiscal 2007 through March of this year, setting a new record for the second straight year, the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry said Friday. Among the suicide victims, including those who failed in their attempts, 80 were male, 50% were in their 40s and 50s and 44% were in their 20s and 30s, according to the ministry.

Meanwhile, a record of 392 people were awarded workers’ compensation in the reporting year for stroke and heart disease, of whom 95% were male and some 70% were in their 40s and 50s, the ministry said.

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Hydrogen sulfide gas is now the suicide method of choice and is so popular that there are whole websites dedicated to the instructions to make the ingredients.


Police ask websites to delete posts on gas used for suicides
National › 11:06 AM JST - 1st May

TOKYO — The National Police Agency is requesting Internet service providers and website administrators to delete Internet posts about how to produce hydrogen sulfide, a compound that can be made with readily available chemicals and has increasingly been used in suicide attempts. The agency on Wednesday designated such writings on the Internet…
I'm wondering how 81 suicides make a nation "one of the weakest".

How about classifying overwork as a mental disorder.

One Japanese suicide every 15 minutes

Paul Gallagher in Tokyo
The Observer, Sunday February 24 2008
Article history

Japan's grim reputation as one of the world's suicide nations has been confirmed by statistics that show more than 30,000 people a year have taken their own lives since figures first began to rise in 1998. In 2006, there were 32,115 suicides - 25 per 100,000 people; nearly 100 people a day; one every 15 minutes. The most common hour of death is 5am for men and noon for women, after their families have left for work or school.

Japan has roughly half the population of the US, yet the same number of suicides. There were 5,554 suicides of people aged 15 and over in the UK in 2006; three quarters involved men.

Experts in Japan were puzzled when the suicide rate jumped in 1998 from 24,391 to 32,863 - a 35 per cent rise - and the annual figure has continued to stay above 30,000. Two theories have been put forward by the media: bullying at school and netto shinju - online suicide pacts.

The world's first internet suicide pact involving strangers took place in Japan in 2003. The bodies of three young people were discovered in a van on a mountain road. The windows were sealed with black duct tape and a burnt-out charcoal stove was found inside.

Police across Japan began to make similar discoveries: three or four bodies, victims usually in their late teens to mid-twenties, and often a burnt-out charcoal stove.

Last year the National Police saved 72 potential suicides who had made postings on the net. But Yukio Saito, the director of a 24-hour suicide helpline, said that until recently Japan has done nothing to stop tens of thousands of others taking their lives. The helpline takes an estimated 720,000 calls a year at its 49 centres.

Or how about this. There are websites out there which espouse the glories of suicide by hydrogen sulfide gas and teach people how to generate the gas using common household detergent.

Briquettes are out, hydrogen sulfide in as latest suicide method

“Generating poison gas. Don’t open.”

Such was the notice on the bathroom door, posted on March 27 by a 27-year-old Kobe man testing a new suicide method he’d found on the Internet.

The man’s parents were asleep on the second floor. Suddenly, relates Yomiuri Weekly (April 27), they were awakened by a strange smell. The odor led the 64-year-old father to the bathroom door, where he saw the notice. Frantically he kicked open the door. Immediately the gas overcame him.

His son, of course, never lived to know that in killing himself, he killed his father.

This is not an isolated case, as Yomiuri Weekly makes clear. A week later, a 23-year-old Osaka woman took her life in a similar manner. Three family members who attempted a rescue had to be hospitalized; fortunately they survived. On April 8 in Hikone, Shiga Prefecture, a 31-year-old temp employee committed bathroom suicide, as did, on April 9, an 18-year-old girl who had just graduated from senior high school.

Internet sites purporting to facilitate an easy, painless end to it all gained national attention several years ago during a wave of suicides in locked cars. The deadly medium was fumes from charcoal briquettes. Hydrogen sulfide apparently offers a smoother passage. Its first known use was in March 2007, by a Takamatsu university student. Word spread through cyberspace. Suddenly briquettes were out and hydrogen sulfide was in.

Everyone knows the smell of hydrogen sulfide. Generally described as a “rotten egg” smell, it’s a familiar feature of many hot spring resorts. In moderate doses, it’s a heady odor, pleasantly unpleasant, suggestive of health-giving properties. In mild excess, it causes dizziness, headaches and clogging of the respiratory passages. In extreme excess, it is potentially fatal. In December 2005, four bathers at an Akita Prefecture outdoor hot spring died after breathing hydrogen sulfide fumes trapped in snow.

Heavier than air, hydrogen sulfide lingers close to the ground and is not easily dispersed. Rescuers who crouch to attend to stricken victims are particularly vulnerable. Prefectural police forces in Okayama and Shiga prefectures distributed gas masks to all their officers after two Okayama policemen were sickened in March trying unsuccessfully to save a 42-year-old male suicide. Elderly parents of young victims, beware, warns Yomiuri Weekly. The appropriate rescue procedure is not to struggle to drag the victim away but to fling open the windows and get all available fans going.

What makes hydrogen sulfide so tempting to would-be suicides, and such a nightmare for authorities trying to cope with the problem, is the ease with which the raw materials are obtainable. Toilet cleansers and bath salts are not controlled substances.

“We’ve been marketing our product for half a century,” says a spokesperson for one manufacturer. “It’s absolutely harmless by itself, and the container bears a label warning against mixing it with other cleaning products. The trouble is, if you amplify the warning by specifying which cleaning products not to mix it with, you’re in effect telling would-be suicides how to go about it.”

It’s a dreadful dilemma, concludes Yomiuri Weekly. “There are no obvious measures to take—and yet doing nothing is not an option.”

Now, if that's not weak I don't know what is.
Workaholic - obsessive-compulsive desire to work...not always because of pleasure. Yeah...a mental-disorder.

Being stressed because you're being forced to work enormously long hours is easily believable. Many people crash-and-burn because of high levels of stress at work.

If you have one of the two, but seeing a head-shrinker is looked down upon, then suicide becomes the big issue.

/me is not horrible surprised by Japan's suicide figures.
Workaholic - obsessive-compulsive desire to work...not always because of pleasure. Yeah...a mental-disorder.

Mostr people with type-a personalities simply settle for the heart attack. These people go looking for death and invent new and better ways to get there.
Reminds me a lot of the 'American Work Ethic"
I doubt they're looking for death initially..but merely following their mania. That their mania has a negative impact on their health, family lives, relationships, etc... cames later.

Heart attacks are just 'the easy way to go' - with something else making the "Stop now!" decision for you.
Now, if that's not weak I don't know what is.

Yeah, I don't think you know what is. You took some numbers about suicide showed no reasoning behind this making a nation weak. Showed no comparison with other nations, and then declared Japan on of the weakest nations on earth with suicides somehow being the sole indicator.

Complete nonsense.
Juxtapose this with American numbers and it will leave you scratching your head. We lose 42,000+ every year despite all of our voluntary and involuntary precautions and mandatory safeguards.

Traffic deaths down for 7th straight year
Tuesday 27th May, 02:37 PM JST

The death toll from traffic accidents in 2007 totaled 5,744, :eek: marking the seventh consecutive yearly drop and the first fall to the 5,000 level since 1953, a government paper reported Tuesday. Out of the total death toll, people aged 65 or older accounted for 47.5%, according to the annual white paper on traffic safety, endorsed by the Cabinet Tuesday morning.

The number of traffic accidents came to 832,454 and that of people injured in the accidents totaled 1,034,445. The white paper attributed the decline in the traffic deaths to the drop in the number of drunken driving accidents that resulted from the implementation of tougher penalties for such driving, as well as the increase in the number of drivers who wear seatbelts.

© 2008 Kyodo News. All rights reserved.

So they drive more carefully and keeo their numbers in the 5,000 rangre yet kill themselves voluntarily to the tune of 32,000+ every year.
Yeah, I don't think you know what is. You took some numbers about suicide showed no reasoning behind this making a nation weak. Showed no comparison with other nations, and then declared Japan on of the weakest nations on earth with suicides somehow being the sole indicator.

Complete nonsense.

We all know that only strong people commit suicide. That's where they find the strength to do it.
snappy one liners are so much fun....but not nearly as much fun as a decent discussion.
snappy one liners are so much fun....but not nearly as much fun as a decent discussion.

oh boo hoo.

jim being right is the point of most, er, all of his threads. everything else is chatter, beside the point.

maybe when there's a thread featuring a worthwhile and mentally stimulating assertion, there will be a point in responding with something other than heckling. or hectoring.

all we're getting now is silly assertions. like....

"seat belt laws causing mormon teen pregnancy in japan."