From the Mid-Terms Until Now.....


Well-Known Member
USA Today said:
WASHINGTON — The resolution of the Virginia Senate race Thursday completed a Democratic sweep of Congress, setting the stage for a rush of ideas, investigations and confirmation skirmishes from a party largely left out of national decision-making for the past four years.

Please help me out.....

What body of rules governing the affairs of Americans have the dems placed into action?

What has their *mandate* wrought?

Well finally at last I can sleep soundly at night knowing
Nancy is on the jorb!
I haven't heard anything about Pelosi starting impeachment hearings on Bush... either I need to pay more attention to the news or we're about to see a fuckload of comedy with Cindy Sheehan trying to carpetbag her way into running for Pelosi's seat.
Sen. Ted Kennedy (D.-Mass.) said he was willing to raise the minimum wage much higher. He, along with Rep. George Miller (D.-Calif.), said, “We’re going to introduce a bill to raise it to $9.70 an hour.”

You'd like a Big Mac? They're on sale today, only $6.35. A half-pint of milk & cheeze on that burger? OK, you're total will be $14.36 plus tax, pleae pull forward.

You'd like a Big Mac? They're on sale today, only $6.35. A half-pint of milk & cheeze on that burger? OK, you're total will be $14.36 plus tax, pleae pull forward.


And then you give the kid $20.01 and he freaks out cuz his little cash register is down so your change isn't automatically calculated for him and he has to do it himself and that penny throws him off and he calls the manager (age 20) and she can't figure it out so they end up giving you a five, 2 quarters, a dime, three nickles and five pennies. And a Filet-o-Fish instead of what you ordered.

[Whitney]I believe that children are our future, teach them well and let them lead the way...[/Whitney]
And then you give the kid $20.01 and he freaks out cuz his little cash register is down so your change isn't automatically calculated for him and he has to do it himself and that penny throws him off and he calls the manager (age 20) and she can't figure it out so they end up giving you a five, 2 quarters, a dime, three nickles and five pennies. And a Filet-o-Fish instead of what you ordered.

McDonald's kids, at least around here, don't even deal with change anymore. They give you the dollar bills and a machine spits out the coins into a little bowl by the register.
it always amuses me when working class people bitch about the minimum wage. maybe it's the proximity that's bothersome.
Interesting angle. Something like the closer minimum wage gets to their wage the less they have to feel superior about?
The cold hard truth.

Now get back to work lording of the proletariat
ya bourgeois bustard!
wrong as usual

at least you can be counted on for that

You don't think that's what 2Minkey was talking about when he said "it's the proximity that's bothersome"?

Let's hear your interpretation. Can't wait. :laugh:
The problem with hiking the minimum wage... my wage is above minimum, but it stayed the same. It does give me less to feel superior about, I suppose... but more importantly, places that have minimum-wage workers now have added costs they have to pass on, making goods and services more expensive for me with no additional income to cover the difference. It's basically a pay cut for me, since the dollars I make now don't go as far.