Spirit Kissy Goddess Dec 16, 2002 #1 I am trying to download from an FTP site and it's soooo slow. I don't get it?? Anyone?
tommyj27 Not really Banned Dec 16, 2002 #2 all depends on the speed of the connection the ftp server has, the load on the server and any links between you and it. what are you trying to access?
all depends on the speed of the connection the ftp server has, the load on the server and any links between you and it. what are you trying to access?
Spirit Kissy Goddess Dec 16, 2002 #3 I am downloading some pics and vids from a friend. We both have cable connections...and as far as I know, I am the only one accessing it right now.
I am downloading some pics and vids from a friend. We both have cable connections...and as far as I know, I am the only one accessing it right now.
tommyj27 Not really Banned Dec 16, 2002 #4 you can only download as fast as she can upload and generally the upload speeds for cable aren't as quick as the DL, at least you don't have 56k
you can only download as fast as she can upload and generally the upload speeds for cable aren't as quick as the DL, at least you don't have 56k
Spirit Kissy Goddess Dec 16, 2002 #5 He has everything uploaded already. Could it be *his* setting speed for uploads is set low..??
tommyj27 Not really Banned Dec 16, 2002 #6 his cable modem is probably transmitting as fast as the connection allows, it's limitation inherent to cable modems (and consumer connections in general) upstream bandwidth is usually lower than downstream
his cable modem is probably transmitting as fast as the connection allows, it's limitation inherent to cable modems (and consumer connections in general) upstream bandwidth is usually lower than downstream
Justintime Guest Dec 16, 2002 #7 yes, generally i found the average norm for cable is 128k up, which is only about 14kb/sec upload.