fury, you have issues...

PostCode said:
samcurry said:
i am so confused.

Your not the only one. :confuse3:
{bbusername}, type {bbusername } without the space before the }

Now whoever reads the post will see their username in place of that code. Basically {bbusername } is a dynamic BB code. :D
ahh i get it now. a little slow this morning. i thought at first id done something wrong.

{bbusername} testing the new toy...
And here I was going to start a new thread, Thanking Squiggy for naming his penis after me, fury for acknowleging that he IS my little prison bitch, and another thanks to Squiggy for welcoming me to the boards finally. Now I find out it's all a hoax. I'm so crushed right now it's unreal. :D
I bet squiggy's penis is the one with issues. All those names are bound to confuse it:tardbang:
c'mere paddy i got this here new toy. its got your name all over it. It will only hurt fer a second or 2. hehe
You can now mouse over your username for a second to find out if it is being done with the auto-username hack (the tooltip will say "Fooled you. :) Auto-username hack. Anyone who sees this will see their username in this place.")
jerrek you truly are a shit disturber you know that? it was a funny thread. squig why you named your penis in the first place ill never know. why after jerrek is an even greater mystery. :rofl: that was hilarious tho!