Gaddafi: leading Africa forward into the next Stone Age


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Gaddafi condemns Africa democracy

Col Gaddafi was elected as the African Union's new head this week

The new African Union (AU) chairman, Libya's leader Muammar Gaddafi, has said that multi-party democracy in Africa leads to bloodshed.

Speaking at the AU summit in Ethiopia, Col Gaddafi said Africa was essentially tribal and political parties became tribalised, which led to bloodshed.

He concluded the best model for Africa was his own country, where opposition parties are not allowed.

Analysts say the AU is in for an interesting year under Col Gaddafi.

The BBC's Mark Doyle, at the AU summit in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, says many may wonder what direction the 53-member organisation will take under his leadership over the next 12 months.

At the final press conference of the summit on Wednesday, Col Gaddafi sought to back up his argument by citing other countries like Kenya, where elections in December 2007 were followed by ethnic killings, and war-torn Somalia.

"We don't have any political structures [in Africa], our structures are social," Reuters news agency quotes him as saying.

"Our parties are tribal parties - that is what has led to bloodshed."

The Libyan leader's remarks could prove controversial in a continent where people have struggled for decades to have more open systems of government, says our correspondent.

He adds it seems likely activists who have fought for multi-party democracy in countries like South Africa, Nigeria, Ghana and Senegal may profoundly disagree with the new AU chairman.

Gaddafi 'despair'

While these activists accept that ethnicity plays a big role in African politics, they insist the advantages of democracy over dictatorship are undeniable.

The summit had to be extended into a fourth day after disagreements over Col Gaddafi's plan to create a United States of Africa.

The Libyan leader envisages a single African military force, a single currency and a single passport for Africans to move freely around the continent.

Col Gaddafi had used his inaugural address as rotating head of the AU to push his long-cherished unity project and called for integration to begin immediately.

But many of his fellow leaders said the proposal would add an unnecessary layer of bureaucracy.

They said they would study the unity proposal, make a report and meet again in three months time.

In other words, our correspondent says, they are kicking the ball into the long grass.

One participant in the closed-door AU meeting said Col Gaddafi appeared to admit defeat and laid his head on the table in despair, before he swept out.

Liberian President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf said: "He didn't walk out, he just got tired."

Before arriving at the summit, Col Gaddafi circulated a letter saying he was coming as the king of the traditional kings of Africa.

Last August, he had a group of 200 traditional leaders name him the "king of kings" of Africa.

So much for that

well, considering gonz's plan for the middle east, and your attempts at reinvigorating monarchy, we all should be optimistic of the world to come.

now where did my track suit and tennis shoes go?

sweet! bring it back! then life will be easy again!

At least they could grow their own food under the British.

Kadaffy is hardly one to discuss any type of democratic government....he's been in power how long?
At least they could grow their own food under the British.

yeah that all worked out real good.

dude, given your attitudes about taxes and gubmint and shit, you woulda been one of the first motherfuckers to start whacking limeys over there, considering the economic exploitation - the systematic removal of wealth - that was going on.
yeah that all worked out real good.

dude, given your attitudes about taxes and gubmint and shit, you woulda been one of the first motherfuckers to start whacking limeys over there, considering the economic exploitation - the systematic removal of wealth - that was going on.

Still is. DeBeers is one of the biggest offenders. Doesn't help that the British redrew the map of Africa as they saw fit, rather than by the people who were living there. Comes down to 'divide and conquer' ideology practiced in that time period. Culminated in Apartheid, and the current state of affairs is what you end up with. Thanks to the British monarchy for farking up an entire continent for personal gain...
Oh but of course if we infallible Americans have to come set things straight and expand our empire, well then all will be Utopia, much like Iraqistan!
isnt brazil in south america instead of africa?

i dont think you need to be running much of anything
what movie is that?

Sorry, I'm a polite shopper. I leave those for them from Seattle via De-motha-fucking-troit.
what movie is that?

um, brazil. terry gilliam.

de niro (yes that's him the pic above) plays a bit part as a 'renegade heating and cooling specialist' in a world overrun by bureaucracy and surveillance. i'd call it a "dark comedy." you should probably see it. a reel klassic.
I don't like them carts at wal-mart at all. I'll just hobble.
My quality of life wouldn't be as good without mine at home though.
Oh but of course if we infallible Americans have to come set things straight and expand our empire, well then all will be Utopia, much like Iraqistan!

Considering that we haven't expanded since the annexation of Hawaii, your statement borders on the moronic.