Gaddafi: leading Africa forward into the next Stone Age

Considering that we haven't expanded since the annexation of Hawaii, your statement borders on the moronic.

Sarcasm, ever heard of it?

I've never read a single post of yours that doesn't border on or cross the border of, self deluded, spoon fed conservative talking points, so what is your point?
um, brazil. terry gilliam.

de niro (yes that's him the pic above) plays a bit part as a 'renegade heating and cooling specialist' in a world overrun by bureaucracy and surveillance. i'd call it a "dark comedy." you should probably see it. a reel klassic.

Looked at it once...lost interest after about 20 minutes.
What Qadafi wants is what the EU is, except using a Monarchy instead of a quasi-democracy. How that makes it a stone-age concept is beyond me.
Sarcasm, ever heard of it?

I've never read a single post of yours that doesn't border on or cross the border of, self deluded, spoon fed conservative talking points, so what is your point?

Sure. Of course, since all of your posts here are nothing more than flame-bait, I had no choice but to interject. As for self-deluded, you should look closely in the mirror before casting stones as none, and I do mean none, of your posts have been anything but propaganda and outright emotional tripe...

Nice tactic, BTW...attacking me instead of what I said. Shows a very limited viewpoint.
Sure. Of course, since all of your posts here are nothing more than flame-bait, I had no choice but to interject. As for self-deluded, you should look closely in the mirror before casting stones as none, and I do mean none, of your posts have been anything but propaganda and outright emotional tripe...

Nice tactic, BTW...attacking me instead of what I said. Shows a very limited viewpoint.

Flame bait? Because you disagree it's flame bait? Oh and you had no choice because you are the arbiter of all that is right and true? See I do eventually get tired of arguing with Jim, and Gonz is like the Rock of Gibraltar of ultra conservatism, but at least what they post is usually interesting and even if I disagree I can see that some thought was put in. Nothing you post is, so I have to ask myself why I even respond? I guess it's because you say "moronic", about something that was obviously sarcasm, yet what is moronic is that you missed it. I guess there is just enough of that schoolyard scrapper left in me to get a rise. So you have the right to call anyone else's posts flamebait why? Because yours are, and it takes one to know one? Well I've been sufficiently bored by you, congradulations you are the first to make my ignore list! I'm sure I will miss less than nothing.....
What Qadafi wants is what the EU is, except using a Monarchy instead of a quasi-democracy. How that makes it a stone-age concept is beyond me.

Didn't follow the Zimbabwean elections, did ya? African monarchies (aka dictatorships) tend to be based on destroying any opposition as opposed to building personal strength. Western monarchies were positively Utopian by comparison

But thanks, Marc, for keeping to the thread topic instead of following the diaper soilings of the infant masses posting above.
Didn't follow the Zimbabwean elections, did ya? African monarchies (aka dictatorships) tend to be based on destroying any opposition as opposed to building personal strength.

i'm not sure there's much of a difference between those two things in the context you've placed them.
Didn't follow the Zimbabwean elections, did ya? African monarchies (aka dictatorships) tend to be based on destroying any opposition as opposed to building personal strength. Western monarchies were positively Utopian by comparison

But thanks, Marc, for keeping to the thread topic instead of following the diaper soilings of the infant masses posting above.
Loosely, the presidential elections, such as they were are a mess... Mugabe is a dictator. The parliamentary elections were more...honest, but the PM doesn't have a chance at real power like Mugabe has.

There are more to come, I believe, but chances are that the next 'elections' will be a coup in disguise. Zimbabwe is a fuckin' mess tho' - it'd take one hell of an effort with a VERY strong leader to pull the economy/health/education etc out of the sink-hole that it's in now.

Now, this country is only one of many in the African continent, many of which are not reigned by despots/dictatorships. It's not fair to try and brush all of them with the same brush.

In either case, I don't think that a AU (African Union) would work...because there are an awful lot of egos out there, most of which are in no mood to share power...not to mention the democratic nations therein giving up democracy for monarchy. :shrug:

Oh...and you're welcome. :toast:
NP, Bish. I give credit where it's due. I'll try to dig up actual stats on the gov't in Africa .. or more precisely, the ones involved in the AU, but when things like this flop about ... you gotta remember who's got the best weapons development programs. That's Egypt and Libya.