Gadhafi armed al-Qaida with bio-chem weapons


Well-Known Member
U.S. raised terror alert largely due to new Libyan intelligence

Posted: December 28, 2003
2:10 p.m. Eastern

Editor's note: Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin is an online, subscription intelligence news service from the creator of – a journalist who has been developing sources around the world for the last 25 years.

© 2003

Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi provided al-Qaida with chemical and biological weapons of mass destruction before changing heart and agreeing to destroy his arms program, Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin has learned.

Libyan intelligence chief Musa Kussa told U.S. and UK spy agencies that tens of thousands of weapons had been produced at 10 secret sites in the country. Kussa has named hundreds of what he termed "sleeper" al-Qaida agents in Britain and the U.S.

Gadhafi's dramatic turnaround has earned him a future meeting with British Prime Minister Tony Blair and President Bush.

He was welcomed back on to the world stage with the understanding that his help to Osama bin Laden would never officially be mentioned.

Kussa escorted British officials to Libya's secret sites on what was described as "the best bus tour in intelligence history."

Not only has that new intelligence led to heightened terror alerts in the U.S. and Britain, but the agreement has prompted new threats on Gadhafi's life by al-Qaida terrorists.

In what one intelligence officer later called an "extraordinarily detailed debrief," Kussa revealed to U.S. and Bristish intelligence:

Al-Qaida obtained some of its weapons through a Brazilian arms dealer, Suekdew Siew, travelling on an Australian passport. He used an alias, David Sunkar. Siew spoke fluent Arabic and carried a letter of credit from the Baltic Bank of Reconstruction and Development in Riga, Latvia.

Other al-Qaida weapons purchasers were from the former Soviet Union.

Some weapons were flown out under diplomatic seal to Balkan airports on Libyan airlines. From there, they were transported to Afghanistan.

Other weapons were taken out of Libya through the Sudan and eventually by Arab dhows, small boats, to Yemen.

Kussa said he had "reliable information" that al-Qaida had stockpiled chemical and biological weapons in the Balkans.
I give a 1 in 3 chance that Gadhafi is killed by muslim extremists because of his action. He has so deceived the radical muslims that i wouldn't be surprised if he was temporarily #1 on their list ahead of Israel & the US.
When I saw this it seemed questionable. If he gets axed in the next 90 days I'll never question Farah again.
Seems like hes just been sentenced to death with the release of that info. That'll teach him to cooperate. Eh?
I think he knew what he was doing but what's he gonna do? He feared the US and remember this wouldn't have been the first time he's had to deal with us. Basically he feared us more than them although i'm not so sure his fear was accurate, it was the right thing to do.
I seriously doubt that he expected the US to allow all the details out effectively sealing his fate. Kinda odd considering how protective they've been of Cheney's meetings with Enron...:eek6:
Well... that's logical but was he so stupid as to think info wouldn't get out? I guess fear does tend to let us deceive ourselves more easily.
speaking of which, this story still appears to have been ignored by major news networks. ;)
Gonz said:
Just because you two don't get it doesn't mean the rest of us don't :p
chcr said:
I hope this one is true. My rampant paranoia though, keeps asking itself, "How do you make an elephant disappear in a room full of people."
From the Libya thread.

Don't get what? The only difference between us, Gonz, is by whom and when we believe the "disinformation" is being spread.
ris said:
speaking of which, this story still appears to have been ignored by major news networks. ;)