

New Member
This whole braces thing is getting really old. The last few times I went in to get bands changed, etc, I get a trainee, and the elastic bands always slip off. They just did it about five minutes ago and I fixed it myself, because if I don't do it on my own another trainee will the next time and it will pop off again, further extending my sentence.

It's been four years next month, and I'm getting really frustrated. Anyone had braces about the same time/longer?
i wish i had had them. i'd like them now. think about the future, when it's all said and done you'll have a lovely smile.
As the future goes, I think she's thinking she's helping provide for her dentist's kids' future with how they're keeping her in "customer for life" status.
I got lucky. Nice, straight teeth naturally. I watched 3 of my siblings and my Dad deal with them, though. Looked like it sucked.
Ugh, it sucks so bad. I tried for the clear ones, but my teeth weren't good enough for them, heh. They need to be damned near perfect for those suckers to work.
Honestly, tonks, if you can avoid them, please do. Your dental health SUFFERS when you have them. I get random cuts, swelling of the gums, and my gumline has actually receded. It's really not worth it if your teeth aren't uber crazy bad.
From personal experience the results are not always 100% effective, when they take them off, you need to use another type of braces (holder??) for about 1 or 2 years. I did all that and the teeth moved a little anyway, now they are not perfectly alligned.

I had to have 2 dental pieces removed and had braces for about 4 years, granted, I wasn't very disciplinated. In fact, I stopped from going to the orthodoncist for a whole year. I'd have completed the treatment in 2 years if I had cared more about them.
Yeah, I've been going like I'm supposed to, and no results. I'll have to scan in a before picture. My teeth weren't all the bad honestly. I'm beginning to regret them.

And I have a friend who had braces, and she's got to wear a retainer for a few more years, but only at night. I think it's a given now that if you've had braces, you get a retainer.

It will be my luck my wisdom teeth come in right when I get them off.
I think your orthodoncist is just stealing your money, if you said you didn't have them *that* bad, then 4 years is way to much time if you follow the instructions.
Luis G said:
I think your orthodoncist is just stealing your money, if you said you didn't have them *that* bad, then 4 years is way to much time if you follow the instructions.

Yeah,he's in it for the money :rolleyes:


When I was younger, just a bad little kid
My mama noticed funny things I did
Like shooting puppies with a B.B. gun
I'd poison guppies and when I was done
I'd find a pussycat and bash in its head
That's when my mama said

What did she say?

She said, "My boy, I think someday
You'll find a way to make your natural tendencies pay

You'll be a dentist
You have a talent for causing things pain
Son, be a dentist
People will pay you to be inhumane
Your temperament's wrong for the priesthood
And teaching would suit you still less
Son, be a dentist
You'll be a success

Here he is, folks the leader of the plaque!
Watch him suck up that gas!
Oh, my god!
He's a dentist and he'll never ever be any good
Who wants their teeth done by the Marquis de Sade?
Oh that hurts!
I'm not numb!

Oh, shut up. Open wide. here I come!
I am your dentist

Goodness gracious!

And I enjoy the career that I picked
I am your dentist

Fitting braces

And I get off on the pain I inflict
When I start extracting those molars
You girls will be screaming like holy rollers


And though it may cause my patients distress
Somewhere in heaven above me, I know that my mama's proud of me
'Cause I'm a dentist- and a success
Say ah! Now spit.

i had braces for about 4 years, i was younger tho, i got them off in '98 when i was 12.
i really miss my first retainer. it was swirly colors with glitter and it glowed in the dark and my dentist photocopied a necklace i had that had an alien in a flying saucer on it, and was able to put the picture in the plastic too. but i left it at a restaurant. and i left my next one at the same restaurant. and i threw my third one away. and i grew out of my fourth one. and i never wear my fifth one. but my dentist says that's ok, at this point.
i liked my braces.i didn't like that i couldnt eat a lot of things, tho. i hated that you can't even be sneaky and eat those things anyway, because you'd just end up in the dentist's chair again for popping off a bracket.
i never had a problem with people putting my bands on wrong, i guess all the hygenists at my dentist are very skilled. i loved getting different colors for holidays and such. my default color used to be pink, but after a while i switched it to "tooth"/offwhite
Hey ash,
I was gonna save this smilie for Halloween ,but since your here ,I figured you might get a kick out of it.
they do this thing when it's just your front two teeth that are bad...they strap your front two teeth to the ones next to them and, over time, tighten the screws. it helps to bring them together but i hear it's kinda painful.
maybe i should just pick a fight with a customer so they pop me in the mouth and then i can get workmans comp to pay for it!
tonksy said:
they do this thing when it's just your front two teeth that are bad...they strap your front two teeth to the ones next to them and, over time, tighten the screws. it helps to bring them together but i hear it's kinda painful.
maybe i should just pick a fight with a customer so they pop me in the mouth and then i can get workmans comp to pay for it!

Haha, sounds like a plan to me! My brother needed braces once upon a time, but he got hit in the mouth with a baseball and boom! no more overbite.
I never had em, but I needed em. No dental insurance growing up, so I used popsicle sticks to try and straighten mine out. How'd that work, you ask? Not too good. Now my wisdom teeth are growing parallel to my gumline too, pushing the chompers even closer together. I can't floss my teeth they're so close. I've known since I was about 12 that someday I'd have to have me some storebought teeth.
I had braces on the bottom of my teeth and a retainer type thing from my upper teeth due to a severe overbite. Anytime you wear braces, retainers, etc, your teeth are bound to hurt because they're being moved.

I never had any serious problems mind you with my braces. they did cause swelling at times in the back, but now my teeth look great and I haven't worn anything since I was 18 and I'm 30 now. Wisdoms came in no problem, don't have to have them pulled, so I'm all good.