Game Angers Hugo Chavez Backers


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And the paranoia grows...
A U.S. company's video game simulating an invasion of Venezuela is supposed to hit the shelves next year, but it's already raising the ire of lawmakers loyal to President Hugo Chavez.

Chavez supporters in Venezuela's National Assembly suspect the makers of "Mercenaries 2: World in Flames" are doing Washington's bidding by drumming up support among Americans for an eventual move to overthrow Chavez.

"I think the U.S. government knows how to prepare campaigns of psychological terror so they can make things happen later," Congressman Ismael Garcia said, citing the video game developed by Los Angeles-based Pandemic Studios.

Pandemic describes "Mercenaries 2" as "an explosive open-world action game" in which "a power-hungry tyrant messes with Venezuela's oil supply, sparking an invasion that turns the country into a war zone." The company says players take on the role of well-armed mercenaries.
that's hilarious.

"you're so vain. you prolly think this song is about you."

they should make some sort of prize contest to think up best "practical joke to fuck with hugo."

it would be best if the joke involved the accidental spillage of a gallon of gasoline on hugo and an inadvertent match.
Is it a relatively short game?

First move:US: Move in with everything, Venezuela collapses.
First move:Venezuela:Move in with special artifact 'media enslaver'. Move in with UN condemnation. Move in with U2 dissing the US at concerts. Move in with gladassing movie stars. Move in with French street protestors.

US folds... cedes Texas and begs forgiveness.
unclehobart said:
First move:Venezuela:Move in with special artifact 'media enslaver'. Move in with UN condemnation. Move in with U2 dissing the US at concerts. Move in with gladassing movie stars. Move in with French street protestors.

You overlooked Iran and Cuba...

Iran drops the bomb on itself when Cuba elects Al Bundy as President and invades itself after making a wrong turn at Key West...