Garden Decor

tonksy said:
What's so funny, Bub?
*kicks Alex

Now now Tonks, I only found it slightly amusing to even fathom what Rob's reaction is to this invasion of the gnomes. But, if I found a hot young lady who wanted to live with me, she could put all the gnomes in the yard she wanted. Hi Ho, Hi Ho :D
alex said:
Now now Tonks, I only found it slightly amusing to even fathom what Rob's reaction is to this invasion of the gnomes. But, if I found a hot young lady who wanted to live with me, she could put all the gnomes in the yard she wanted. Hi Ho, Hi Ho :D
*Rubs Alex's knee
How about this for garden decor? 1st of the year!
aw, that's pritty!

I was just noticing that I actually have more grass than snow on the yard. It's spring!!!
SouthernN'Proud said:


Ya know, Paul, if you ever get down this way, I want to buy you a beer or twelve. Take you fishing. Watch some sports besides figure skating. Sit in the shade and talk about socket wrenches. You need a break, dude. :lloyd:

Can I come along? I'll bring a 12-pack, and some extra fishing gear.
SouthernN'Proud said:


Ya know, Paul, if you ever get down this way, I want to buy you a beer or twelve. Take you fishing. Watch some sports besides figure skating. Sit in the shade and talk about socket wrenches. You need a break, dude. :lloyd:

Jsut be sure to explain the differences between a socket wrench (Aka a rachet) , a breaker bar and a torque wrench (or to use the american spelling : torck). Might want to bring an impact wrench along just as a conversation piece.

So .... any word on that BBQ yet? some of us have to book vacation time soonish.
Someone stole my gnome I'd have to hunt em down and kill em.

I think I'm gonna end up being one of those crazy cat ladies/crazy gnome ladies.
Professur said:
Jsut be sure to explain the differences between a socket wrench (Aka a rachet) , a breaker bar and a torque wrench (or to use the american spelling : torck). Might want to bring an impact wrench along just as a conversation piece.

So .... any word on that BBQ yet? some of us have to book vacation time soonish.

BTW, we spell torque the right way!
So the BBQ is now a fishing trip. And I'm not invited even though I know how to fish, real good even. :(
Of course you're invited. You get to clean and cook the fish. You didn't really think we'd leave you out, did you?
Professur said:
Jsut be sure to explain the differences between a socket wrench (Aka a rachet) , a breaker bar and a torque wrench (or to use the american spelling : torck). Might want to bring an impact wrench along just as a conversation piece.

Pot calls kettle black...
I'm the one who will be surreptiously live-releasing them from the buckets whilst your backs are turned.