Gas Prices

cool site, spirit! :D
incidentally...i heard on the radio that alot of the jump in gas prices is attributed to the fact that gas companies hadn't adjusted for inflation in forever and what we are seeing now is a result of them doing so...not so sure on the validity of such a statement.
Nah. What it comes down to is 2 things; uncertainty in the supply line and demand fluctuations.

Like it or not, as long as the middle east is a war zone and central to south American nations have political instability, there is uncertainty about the supply of crude and refined gas. Higher uncertainty usually means higher prices in commodities like gas.

The second component is demand fluctuation. Summer is coming, and with it more summer trips. This translates to higher demand, which means higher prices at the pump. It happens every year.

When crude oil prices are stable, retail gasoline prices tend to gradually rise before and during the summer, when people drive more, and fall in the winter. Good weather and vacations cause U.S. summer gasoline demand to average about 6% higher than during the rest of the year.If crude oil prices remain unchanged, gasoline prices would typically increase by 5-6 cents from January to the summer

Obviously, it's a lot worse this year. See the uncertainty paragraph.

BTW, this is a damn good site, written in plain english:
Not sure about where you are, but around here in Montreal, that kind of statement might get a few fires started in Gas Stations. Over the past three years or so, prices have gone from about 65.5/liter to todays rediculous high of 98.9/liter.

In American terminology and money...that'd be a jump from $1.81/gallon to $2.73/gallon!!

That's patently ridiculous! and grand theft!

BTW...your gas-buddy site doesn't work for all of Quebec...and they don't have a contact number so that I can at least send them local pricing. :(
HomeLAN said:
Nah. What it comes down to is 2 things; uncertainty in the supply line and demand fluctuations.

Like it or not, as long as the middle east is a war zone and central to south American nations have political instability, there is uncertainty about the supply of crude and refined gas. Higher uncertainty usually means higher prices in commodities like gas.

The second component is demand fluctuation. Summer is coming, and with it more summer trips. This translates to higher demand, which means higher prices at the pump. It happens every year.

Obviously, it's a lot worse this year. See the uncertainty paragraph.

BTW, this is a damn good site, written in plain english:

That arguement doesn't take into effect the fact that Saudi Arabia just told OPEC that they're planning on increasing their output by 1.2 million barrels a day...this is after a recent increase.

So...higher output = higher supply = lower prices?

The price of a barrel has already dropped by $1 on the markets...why aren't eh tank prices dropping?

At this rate, we'll have $1.02/liter before the end of summer.

BTW. The Quebec GVT is looking into 'collusion' by gas companies to set rates and use pressure tactics to force independant companies to follow suit....(eg. Not delivering gas to independants who refuse to tow the line). We'll see where this goes.
The Saudi announcement HAS led to a gasoline decrease at the wholesale level. However, what's still in the tanks down at the quickie-mart was bought last week, at higher prices. My own opinion- you'll see a small drop in the next 2 weeks, followed by a return to weekly increases.

Just too damn much going on on the producing nations.
Gas Prices Down .. then Back Up.
The roller coaster ride of gasoline prices continues.
Yesterday - around the island, the price had dropped to 86.9 in some places causing long lineups at some pumps.
This morning .. the price is up again .. up to 96.9 for a litre of unleaded.
At some stations it's even two cents higher.
Coincidentally, yesterday Saudi Arabia announced it was pushing OPEC for a production increase of 1.5 million barrels a day ... and on the world market, the price of crude fell over 4 percent .. down over a dollar and half.

Got this off of in Montreal. If crude prices went down, then shouldn't the price at the pumps as well. The stations and governement are just taking advantage of us.
As irritating as these prices are ($2.099 here) I can fix the problem. Quit driving oversized, overengined gas hogs. Also, stop driving them so much. Supply & demand.
I got fuel on Monday & it was $1.629. As I traveled I saw it as low as $1.52 & as high as $1.79. If I were an owner operator, I'd be passing along the prices.
Gonz said:
As irritating as these prices are ($2.099 here) I can fix the problem. Quit driving oversized, overengined gas hogs. Also, stop driving them so much. Supply & demand.

Good forgot other good tips.
Don't add to your consumption by going faster.
Don't idle when waiting for people...after the first minute of idling, you have already wasted more gas than if you had stopped your car and had to restart it
Don't ride
Gonz said:
As irritating as these prices are ($2.099 here) I can fix the problem. Quit driving oversized, overengined gas hogs. Also, stop driving them so much. Supply & demand.

Sure, no problem! Please recommend a vehicle that can haul 1500 pounds of fertilizer, feed, and farm supplies, and is capable of towing a tandem-axle flatbed trailer loaded with a 3000 pound tractor and implements, while achieving at least 25 MPG. I would love to replace my Silverado pickup (17 MPG avg., 6-10 MPG towing) with something more fuel efficient. My fuel bills are running USD $250-350/month. :cool:
If it's needed, drive it. How many suburban moms & dads need a Ford Explorer or a Tahoe or a H2? If they want to drive them, more power to 'em. They had just better STFU about gas prices.
Gonz said:
If it's needed, drive it. How many suburban moms & dads need a Ford Explorer or a Tahoe or a H2? If they want to drive them, more power to 'em. They had just better STFU about gas prices.

Agreed!! :cool:

Every time I see a Hummer in traffic, I point and laugh. They get really pissed off . . .
Hmm, pissing off Hummers, you like living dangerously I see... :D

$2.139 is the lowest I've seen in this neighborhood. I don't think I wanna know the price in the Chicago city limits...
*shuddrs* I had to pay 2. for gas yesterday *cries* I hope it goes down before I hike to Canada.