Gas prices...

No it explained how deregulation of Wall Street is what caused the price skyrocket effect. Demand was down and supply was up, yet price was up. Those "speculators" in the futures market were to blame after all. I don't really understand the ins and outs of wall street or stock markets and I really don't want to, but the government should have stepped in. As it was it turned out to screw the very people who profited from it or something.....Like I say I don't understand high finance nor do I want to, but it seems the government regulates things is has no business being involved in, but yet it allows crap like this and the housing scandal when it could have intervened and probably should have, rather than bailing folks out after the fact.

I also saw a news story a few days ago that said that the reason the price is rising now is because they are cutting production to increase price. But the whole deal this summer was not the oil companies it was rich fatcat greedy investors, but the rising price now is the oil company....I wish I wasn't so addicted to unleaded!
Not as cheap as my v4 and v6 midsized/minivan counterparts tho'
Hell, the Prius is $5-7k more expensive than your average minivan.

Drop the Prius to $17-19k and make it larger and I'll think about it.

Like I said. Nobody mentioned hybrids. That was your bit. I only said fuel efficient. ;)