"Gay" penguins spark protest


Well-Known Member
BERLIN (Reuters) - A plan by a German zoo to test the sexual appetites of a group of suspected homosexual penguins has sparked outrage among gay and lesbian groups, who fear zookeepers might force them to turn straight.

"All sorts of gay and lesbian associations have been e-mailing and calling in to protest," said a spokesman for the zoo in the northwestern city of Bremerhaven on Friday.

He said the zoo concluded the penguins might be gay after seeing male penguins trying to mate with other males and trying to hatch offspring out of stones.

German media reported that female Swedish penguins would be brought to the zoo to test the theory, but when word got out about the plan, the phones started ringing.

"Nobody here is trying to break-up same sex pairs by force," the zoo's director Heike Kueck told public broadcaster NDR. "We don't know if the three male pairs are really gay or just got together because of a lack of females."

My word. Even gay penguins have more rights than straight ones.


Gonz said:
*GASP* How can this be? Isn't it, either you is or you ain't?

"Nobody here is trying to break-up same sex pairs by force," the zoo's director Heike Kueck told public broadcaster NDR. "We don't know if the three male pairs are really gay or just got together because of a lack of females."

For real....maybe they are Bi, and will just get what the can get. :lol2:
To bad the gay activists can't mind their own business. Why not just leave them be? Hey for onece it's not in the States so thet're all over now!
Gonz said:
*GASP* How can this be? Isn't it, either you is or you ain't?

Yeah...so much for their "We can't help being gay" claim...if THEY can't "turn straight" why do they think penguins can?? Or maybe they know the penguins aren't gay but simply grasping opportunity and a female will bring out the truth...

Note: I have nothing against homosexual people but that is RIDICULOUS claim by them.