Gay people and adoption???


Well-Known Member
Should Gay people be allowed to adopt childern? Should the child's future social expereinces be taken into consideration when screening gay people who want to adopt? Why or why not?

Or do you feel Heterosexual parents are best for a child's development?
No point in harping on and on again then. Mods if you will please. I apologize to the weary ones who have seen this done to death.
Sorry BCD...I hit that topic a few times with my numerous "Gay threads".

I'm now onto the 'ethical sciences' thread path...surrent topic of choice...Stem cell research
i guess gay poeple should not be allowed to adopt childrens, cause when they grow up, they will want to be, lik is parents , and then the world will be full of it LOL (At least they let more girls available for us LOL)
i wouldn't normally bother to reply to this thread and extend its life span but the above is utter rubbish.

by that logic homosexuality could not start becuase heterosexual families would 'teach' their children a heterosexual lifestyle by example at very least. as that clearly does not happen i see no reason to even consider fomenting the idea that homosexual relationships would indocrinate their charges into becoming homosexual.
ris said:
i wouldn't normally bother to reply to this thread and extend its life span but the above is utter rubbish.

by that logic homosexuality could not start becuase heterosexual families would 'teach' their children a heterosexual lifestyle by example at very least. as that clearly does not happen i see no reason to even consider fomenting the idea that homosexual relationships would indocrinate their charges into becoming homosexual.
I don't think the sex of both parents matters when it comes to raising a child. As long as the are there for thier children and teach them right from wrong, the more power to them.
CydCharisse said:
As long as the are there for thier children and teach them right from wrong, the more power to them.

What one finds right from wrong is very different from what others find right from wrong. This has nothing to do with homosexual parents being better than heterosexual parents but its funny that homosexual parents might dictate being straight is wrong just as much as some heterosexual parents dictate homosexuality is wrong....both is just ignorance in my POV.

i guess gay poeple should not be allowed to adopt childrens, cause when they grow up, they will want to be, lik is parents , and then the world will be full of it LOL (At least they let more girls available for us LOL)

What are you 13?
Buttcrackdivine said:
What one finds right from wrong is very different from what others find right from wrong. This has nothing to do with homosexual parents being better than heterosexual parents but its funny that homosexual parents might dictate being straight is wrong just as much as some heterosexual parents dictate homosexuality is wrong....both is just ignorance in my POV.

What are you 13?

I actually think that s/he is older but doesn't have a great grasp of the english language.

Despite their sexuality, we could probably find a lot of comman ground into what one couple who happens to be gay and another who happen to be het, both see as right and wrong. Respect for others, politeness, sharing, etc... as well as the basics, such as murder, theft, violence etc...wouldn't be any different regardless of the makeup of the couple doing the teaching and more than it would in a single-parent household or a multi-generational household for that matter. At worst, the children of the same-sex relationship would be more tollerant of those who are not the same as they are (gender, race, age etc.)

There are more things in life that don't relate to sex than there are that do in my POV.