Southern Discomfort

*calls upon the Southern Gentelman to enlighten out Los Angelino.*
you have censored another. Who says you are correct in your thinking?spike said:We should eliminate the bigotry
Those whom you disagree.
Gays have always served in the military. The US military has always said that homosexuality is not compatible with military service. If you want to be completely honest, it wasn't until 'Don't ask, don't tell' that this has been an issue at all. Break the regs and you're out.
Who do you think I want to censor exactly?
In addition to the age requirements:,12271,1499164,00.html
Now you want to expand on what standards Pelosi is responsible for lowering and what Bush's psuedo service has to do with anything?
I think he probably meant censure but I have no real way of being certain.
No sir, I meant censor. As in shutting up from having a voice because he disagrees with them.
Vote on the page with the story...
And, yes. Klansmen have the right to express their opinions as well...I may not agree with their opinion, but at least I'll know what I'm dealing with, and can proceed accordingly. Nice try at baiting me, though. I believe I've stated before that I'd rather deal with a racist up front than to have him/her knife me in the back.
I did vote when i figured out how to do so.
BTW I wasn't trying to bait you - i was just using klansmen as an example of the kind of obvious twits we all (well, 'cept maybe winky) disagree with, but shouldn't be silenced...
don't you have that navy guy to bate you, anyway?![]()
It is required and expected that exact discipline be observed and due subordination prevail thro' the whole Army, as a failure in these most essential points must necessarily produce extreme hazard, disorder, and confusions; and end in shameful disappointment and disgrace. The General most earnestly requires and expects a due observance of those articles of war established for the government of the Army which forbid profane cursing, swearing, and drunkenness; And in like manner requires and expects of all officers and soldiers not engaged on actual duty a punctual attendance on Divine service to implore the blessings of Heaven upon the means used for our safety and defence.
Source: Washington, Writings, Vol. III, p. 309, from General Orders from Cambridge on July 4, 1775.
His Excellency [George Washington] wishes [it] to be considered that an Army without order, regularity, and discipline is no better than a commissioned mob; Let us therefore . . . endeavor by all the skill and discipline in our power, to acquire that knowledge and conduct which is necessary in war--our men are brave and good; men who with pleasure it is observed are addicted to fewer vices than are commonly found in Armies; but it is subordination and discipline (the life and soul of an Army) which next under Providence, is to make us formidable to our enemies, honorable in ourselves, and respected in the world.
Source: Ibid, at Vol. IV, pp. 202-203, from General Orders from Cambridge on January 1, 1776.
Purity of morals being the only sure foundation of public happiness in any country and highly conducive to order, subordination, and success in an Army, it will be well worthy the emulation of officers of every rank and class to encourage it both by the influence of example and the penalties of authority. It is painful to see many shameful instances of riot and licentiousness. . . . A regard to decency should conspire with a sense of morality to banish a vice productive of neither advantage or pleasure.
Source: Ibid, Vol. XIII, pp. 118-119, from General Orders from Fredericksburgh on October 21, 1778.
Good. It ain't just me.
Y'all have fun. I've learned the one key thing I needed to know with this one.
I was a HS dropout who joined the Army in the 80s. (No, it was not due to lack of choices). A HS dropout who got a GED & went on to prove moronic college professors incorrect.
The dumbing down is, in fact, returing to its heritage & tradition.
No sir, I meant censor. As in shutting up from having a voice because he disagrees with them.