George Orwell would be so proud

Therapy? Rehab? What ever happened to saying sorry & moving on?

again, i lay the blame squarely at the feet of the lawyers. if the person and the corporation do not show that they are being proactive to correct this error, it leaves them both open to hate speech lawsuits by individuals and groups.
I'm sorry...

Resident of southern mountain region purgatory...

hate speech lawsuits

Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

One cannot tolerate the other
Then we wonder why other countries laugh.

Har har! :grinyes:

I take it, it wasn't a Mel Gibson production then?

mmm - seems the single biggest problem you have over there is the litigation culture - there stems your real problem with PC.

When i read that, i just assumed it was a PR sham, and OTT self-interest from the star blokey meets clever PR.

(mind you i can't remember the blokes name anyway :bgpimp: )


Where do you stand on the 'Dukes of hazard' btw SnP?
I liked the theme tune.

Um, i meant more along the lines of the lawlessness - just 'good ol' boys' or criminals that need locking up? ;)

As you may have gathered the term 'hillbilly' either gives me the 'Dukes of hazard' or the 'Beverly hillbillies' (quite liked that)


er, i'll just leave me head on the side here shall i? :bgpimp:


So, in terms of OTC PC even-handedness - :bgpimp: - perhaps you could help me out here - what would the Northern equivalent for Gonz be then? ;)

(We were taught very little American history here - we had enough of our own - :D )

best, BB
I have boycotted The Beverly Hillbillies since I was maybe 8 years old. It's as offensive and stereotyping as Good Times was.'s overblown in premise, so the rest is inconsequental. Nobody has dynamite arrows, and Boss Hogg doesn't exist as portrayed. It was fluff. The car was OK, and Daisy has a nice rack though.

Gonz is a transplant. He forsook his roots and moved to DairyLand for reasons he has not shared with me nor have I asked. Besides, I'm not altogether sure there IS an equivalent for him, or if there should be even.
Inpatient treatment for saying a naughty word. And you wonder why your health care is so expensive.

This guy decided on the treatment because he was concerned this might affect his career. There's a good chance he's paying out of pocket. How does this change the price of my healthcare?
One cannot tolerate the other

California, USA laws may declare hate speech is protected in public, but allows easy prosecution for alleged hate crimes, in verbal form as well in physical form. California law claims hate speech at the workplace does not constitute as "protected speech" and employers have the right to terminate or discharge those who committed hate speech on workplace grounds.


the actor publicly apologizes and attends sensitivity training classes. now both the production company and the actor have shown a willingness to be more accepting. if they didnt do that, individuals or groups could sue both of them.
BB, were you talking about the movie or the TV show?

Also, S'n'P... did you hear about the birth of the first son of Jon Daniels, the Texas Rangers GM? He and his wife named the kid Lincoln.
if its uttered in the workplace in California, it is not protected as free speech. on a state level only. if it gets contested in federal court it would probably be overturned. cheaper, quicker and better PR if they do it the way they did.

SEC. 2. (a) Every person may freely speak, write and publish his or
her sentiments on all subjects, being responsible for the abuse of
this right. A law may not restrain or abridge liberty of speech or

Breaking their own Constitution?