K62 said:
Dammit! Does nobody get it?

The 4 strokes of a diesel.... Intake... compression.. combustion.. exhaust... :(

The lot of you suck.

I got it. It just wasn't funny. :p
Professur said:
Oddly enough, gas engines of the 4-stroke variety use the same sequence.

Yes, I never said otherwise.

But gas engines on a submarine just aren't practical... and this Submariner was a diesel mechanic....... sooo... the joke was about diesels ;)


HomeLAN said:
Um, I got it. Just didn't see the need to mention it.

Also, the only way I suck is either the figurative meaning of the term, or through a straw. :D

ahhh yeah....That's what I ment... All of you will or have sucked through a straw. I suck too.

catocom said:
I thought diesel was more like 2 stroke? :confused:

Nope, The main difference between a diesel and a gasoline is the method of combustion. (compression vs spark)

The main difference between 2 and 4 stroke engines are... well the strokes! 4 strokes have 4 separate strokes (Intake, compression, combustion, exhaust.)

With a 2 stroke, your intake and exhaust are done together..

I haven't seen too many 2 stroke diesels.
yet, I know all the strokes, ...I just don't know a whole lot about diesels.
I did know they fired on compression, and were fuel injected, but not much more.
Don't know much about rotary engines either, but everything problem. :)
I like the 'small engines' to tinker with. :)

I've got a 2yr tech degree, and have done small engine repair professionally,
and now armature, just for friends and family. (on and off for over 20 years).
Anything from a cox remote-control airplane engine to a riding mower, I can fix it.
Weedeaters (string trimmers), and chainsaws are my favorite to tinker with now
because I can't move around so good anymore. :swing:

I can do automotive, but just shade-tree type. :lloyd:
Scanty said:
Two priests are driving along the road in Transylvania. Suddenly, a vampire jumps out in front of the car...RAAAHHH!!!
One priest turns to the other priest and says "Quick! Show him your cross!"
And the other priest winds down the window, leans out and shouts "GET OUT THE WAY YOU STUPID BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Oh god, I laughed. I feel so dirty. :mope:
unclehobart said:
I miss a whole gaggle of people. This place used to be a roost for many a character.
I remember when I used to be a character. Now I'm just a lame-o lazy lurker. *sigh*
*kicks person next to her in the kneecap... just cos
BeardofPants said:
I remember when I used to be a character. Now I'm just a lame-o lazy lurker. *sigh*
*kicks person next to her in the kneecap... just cos

Welcome to the 'has been' club hun :mope:
Dang. I was hoping to toss the orangutans. Now what I am going to do with them? Release them back into the wild (read: McDonalds car park)??
Waitasec....found it
*mutters under breath*
....plug orangutan in... turn on....
Wait? Nobody said anything about turning an orangutan on!!!