Get excited

Altron said:
Yeah, we haven't see anything that exciting again for one year, one month, one day, one hour, one minute, and one second.

Actually, it'll never again be 1,2,3,4,5,'ll be 2,3,4,5,6,7 next year
The crescendo following awe struck time keeping on my part was mondo beyondo until I realized it was 01:06:28 on 04/05/06 I had missed the entire thing. Now I have to wait an eon to do it again.

Hey, Steve, lets plan to get a beer that night.
Gonz said:
We're about to witness a rare event. After midnight tonight, it'll be 01:02:03 04/05/06.

Can you just feel the pulse of anxiety laden anticipation?

That's only if you're abnormal and write dates as month, day, year in stead of the more logical day, month, year.

This will however be true on the fourth of May.
Why must you people be so difficult. There is no U in honor, banks cash checks & it's month, day, year. Jeez :rolleyes:
There is most definitely a U in honoUr....neighboUr...hUmoUr (double U...thank goodness they kept it at that and did not change it to hwmer). And you check something cash cheques. It's day, month, year (have you guys not learnt in maths that you should order it in unit-size....days are the smallest unit of the three....follows logically that it should precede months ye know).'s the way of the future :geek: