Giant buttraping

It's his own fault...
Net worth of over 30 mill...Bet he never thought of updating the prenup or at least shoot holes in it...
Good luck updating a prenup. You kinda need both sides to agree to it... and I dare say the wife would not be all that agreeable to getting her end reduced.
I can understand the 50% of martial assets accrued during the marriage...I can. That's the house they bought and started a family in etc. I can understand the child support - it takes 2 to make children and he is responsible for them....what i can't understand is the 20% of his yearly income for every year of the marriage...what's that for?
By the looks of the news release she is getting better then half if you take in account the child support...

At a net worth of 15 mill after the settlement he would be a fool to bitch...An income of 750,000 a year on simple interst of five percent off his share? If you cannot live off that there is something wrong....
Michael Strahan is a New York Giant, he agreed to an assinine pre-nup and is now paying for it.