Gingrich calls for limiting free speech at a free speech awards dinner

Did Jesse suggest legal repurcessions for Richards? I don't know him so I can't ask him.

Stupidity isn't illegal, although it's hard to say what the reverend rock star might suggest. I find him less than tightly wrapped in general.
I think that most people take the view that, "I should be free to say whatever I want to and you can be free to say anything you want to as long as I don't disagree with it too much." I personally think that you should be able to say whatever you want to. I also think that if you say something that offends or endangers others you'd have to be an idiot not to expect repercussions.
Repercussions, absolutely, but how, and to what extent?
I agree with gonz on that part.

I agree, mostly, with you there though. :thumbup:

As far as "different set of rules", IMO the FCC, or whoever, should be the
ones to regulate here in the US. Like I guess they already do, somewhat,
on cussing, and nudity...

Did Jesse suggest legal repurcessions for Richards? I don't know him so I can't ask him.
I don't think Jackson actually came down as hard on him as some others.
Actually it might be interesting to know exactly how he views total free speech,
when it comes to something like this.
I was just thinking last night.....
What exactly was the mindset of all the people that signed the Constitution,
at the time.

It says all men are created equal, but how long after that was it that it was
decided to abolish slavery.:confused: