Gingrich Calls War on Terror "Phony"


New Member
August 4, 2007 - Newt Gingrich, former Republican House Speaker, called the war on terror "phony" in a speech to a group of young conservatives in Washington, D.C. on Thursday.

The potential GOP presidential candidate told attendees of the National Conservative Student Conference that "We're about to enter the seventh year of this phony war&and we're losing."

Gingrich added, "None of you should believe we are winning this war. There is no evidence that we are winning this war."

Instead of the current strategy to fight terrorism, Gingrich said we should focus on energy independence. "We have to have a national energy strategy, which basically says to the Saudis, 'We're not going to rely on you.'"

Gingrich also attacked the current administration and former Republican Congressional leadership in saying "We were in charge for six years&I don't think you can look and say that was a great success."
OMG hell hath frozen over because I agree with Gingrich?!!? Man am I confuzed? Did I cross over to bizarro world?
The thing I've come to realize about Newt is....
He has such an intimate knowledge of History, that many times he's
actually quoting something someone said earlier, but does reference it
all the time.
Sometimes you have to know what he's referencing, to Really know what he's talking about.
It doesn't always mean Literally what is is being applied to, but rather
a circumstantial reference.:shrug:

"He that hath ears to hear, let him hear."

That's why I like him.:hippy:
I have lost support fo Rudy. He lost me after I heard some of the fire fighter comments, from 9/11

I did though I had some one tell me about it then I looked it up. It is a reason I am not voting for him. I did want to at first though
As usual the original poster chooses articles to fit his far left agenda and cherry picks the language....

Hear Newt say the words out loud:

An occassional stab at honesty would be nice. Newt's comments were in regard to us not taking the war seriously enough. He was not saying it is a fraudulent war--- he was saying we are not fighting it like a war.

When was the last time captured enemies were given constitutional protections and a right to a trial? They shouldn't be treated as though they are criminals. They should be thrown into a detention camp until the war is over. Waterboarded for information.

When was the last time we fought a war and went up against such a large 5th column? It's not an easy task to wage a war when the left undermines the president's every move.

Liberals have brainwashed generations of children into opposing the defense of this nation---AKA Political Correctness---to the point where it is impossible for the military to fight as effectively as it could and should.

If the military does what needs to be done, the PC media would be screaming.

Newt's reasoning is entirely different that the selfish logic that the OP is trying to draw parallels to: it is based on the fact that we are not taking this war seriously.

The logic of Democrats is that there IS no "War on Terror" and Bush just made it up.

So the President is damned if he do, damned if he don't.

Newt did not imply the war was "phoney", he is criticizing our failure to do more to fight it. In fact he is quite clear in that video:
We have two choices: we can find a way to be reasonable and surrender, or we can defeat them
He points out
The irreconcilable wing of islam is quite clear (in their intent):

It is foolish for someone who is against the war to point at Newt and say "See, Newt knows what he's talking about", when they don't realize Newt is pointing a finger at them.
if the war had been taken seriously from the get-go we'd likely be seeing a vastly different result.

as my grandpappy used to say, before he died of nearly everything at 85, "there's no use doing a half-assed job."

we are now reaping the results of true half-assedness.

it's like starting a business without enough capital and weak-kneed investors.

sooner than later, there's a "for lease" sign in the door.