Does Washington Mutual have any ATMs in the Atlanta area? I might have to hit up your Waffle House while I'm there for the BBQ, seeing's how I've never been to one. I don't normally carry a truckload of cash on me, and I don't want to have to pay $1.50 to get my cash.tonksy said:waffle house operates on a cash only's kinda refreshing.
tonksy said:never heard of washington mutual. you should check your bank and see if they have an east coast affiliate....if not don't stress it, we can spring for the waffle house
HomeLAN said:Heh. There's one right by Outback in the Publix shopping center, at Powers Ferry and Delk. Just checked, and it's got an ATM. Noi sweat, Inky, that one is 3 minutes from the house.