Girl suspended over arrows-through-head teachers drawing

it depends on where you live, some places regard the strapping on of bombs as a modern fashion accessory.... ;)
Once you open the flood-gates of 'moralism', the idiots will overwhelm the populous...I could see if she stabbed someone with a pencil... :D
I pretty much expect that kind of reaction. Teachers are scared, and they have a right to be I guess. At the rate it's going, you're safer working in prison surrounded by criminals then you are at schools surrounded by seemingly harmless children these days.

The worst thing about it, is no one has a clue what to do about it. It goes without saying, that as the generations move on, all discipline and respect is gradually being flushed out of our lifestyles until we're left with the bitter remains of angry, frustrated kids being brought up in a self important society. Combine that with cultural tensions, class discrimination, the merciless teasing of children and a firearm, and you have a very dangerous situation.