girls. thinking of saving for a bit of nip/tuck??

tank girl

New Member
Hello, Kitty? Plastic Surgeon Peddles "Designer Vaginas"
A GYNECOLOGIST in Beverly Hills has come up with a new and improved way to snatch women's dollars and make us feel bad about our bodies. Unload several thousand bucks on this doc, and he will "surgically reconstruct" your vagina in about an hour. Designer Laser Vaginoplasty, as he calls it, is purely an "aesthetic surgical enhancement." Translation: in addition to the paranoia women already feel about how our vaginas smell, taste, and feel—as well as the numerous gyno responsibilities of keepin' em healthy—we're now supposed to stress about having pretty kitties, whatever the hell that even means.

For those cherry-poppin' mamis who want to create the illusion of virginity without the hassle of sacrificing sex, he also offers surgical reconstruction of the hymen. Why? Because he's "sensitive to the needs of various ethnic and cultural customs in this area of intimacy and social concern." At least he's sensitive about something. —Pia Guerrero

This is my first post in this forum. But this is just sick and wrong. I can see a nosejob and even a boob job (though I don't like fake breasts), but leave well enough alone "down there".
maybe it was intended for women who were brutally raped or mutilated. and then of course, the surgeons can market it as they will.
When I had my first born I ripped from one whole to the other and they sewed me up just fine and dandy...... :devious:

The way I see it is "If its not broke, Why fix it?"
I think that this is a bit over the edge. I am still trying to imagine why people would get butt implants.

and I am also not sure what to think about the term "meat drapes".
Mare said:

The way I see it is "If its not broke, Why fix it?"

[biting tongue]hmmm....hmmm....hmmm[/biting tongue]

[biting tongue]thp.....thp....thp....[/biting tongue]

But its got a crack in it!!!!

Whew ,feel much better now . :D