Give me a good'ol fashion Earthquake.

A sweet 7.2 will do just dandy.

. . . this fire stuff is too much . . . RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!!!!!


Yeah...First they cut down the trees on the hillsides to build houses...which leads to mudslides, then they plant immature trees to help the soil stay put, and use non-native species so that they get dry during the summers, causing fires. Then they have the nerve to complain about pollution. :rolleyes: ;)
Yeah I don't feel so bad about my footprint

Speaking of footprints...

Your household CO2 (tonnes) Your personal share of CO2 (tonnes) UK average household CO2 (tonnes) UK average CO2 per person (tonnes)
Gas, coal and oil 0.02
3.88 1.62
Electricity 0.00
3.13 1.30
Private Car 2.93
2.60 1.08
Public Transport 0.00
0.87 0.36
Holiday Flights 7.40
1.56 0.65
Total Primary Footprint 10.35

26.32 10.96
Yeah...First they cut down the trees on the hillsides to build houses...which leads to mudslides, then they plant immature trees to help the soil stay put, and use non-native species so that they get dry during the summers, causing fires. Then they have the nerve to complain about pollution. :rolleyes: ;)

So your saying the fires were caused by non-native species of trees that get dryer than native species planted by people some people that complain about pollution.

That's not what I heard.
I didn't get that the non native trees started the fire. I got that they were tinder dry fuel to an existing fire... along with tons of underbrush. The underbrush will getcha every time. The major culprit is the gnarly wind that blows all through those hills at this time of year. Who knows how it starts... but its easy to see why it burns so bright.
I think the terrorist saw another opportunity, and took it.

It's already been reported that at least 9 of the outbreaks looked like arsine.
Terrorists as in jerko bikers, hikers and whatnot chucking their cigarettes into the brush.

Bravo. Way to commune with nature.
with the drought here, Fall, and already one scare, I've been working
when I can, to build fire breaks, and cleanup trouble areas here.
It's tough with the layout here, but now is not a time to be complacent for sure.
I didn't get that the non native trees started the fire. I got that they were tinder dry fuel to an existing fire... along with tons of underbrush. The underbrush will getcha every time. The major culprit is the gnarly wind that blows all through those hills at this time of year. Who knows how it starts... but its easy to see why it burns so bright.

In the areas where the blazes are I don't see any reason to think that there are large concentrations of extra dry non native trees planted by pollution complainers.

Yes, the wind is the major culprit. I heard it's blowing so had that it knowcked over a couple tractor trailers. The record high temperatures we're getting are helping dry things out too.
I think the terrorist saw another opportunity, and took it.

It's already been reported that at least 9 of the outbreaks looked like arsine.

I almost posted something about you probably thinking it was terrorists or immigrants. :D
In the areas where the blazes are I don't see any reason to think that there are large concentrations of extra dry non native trees planted by pollution complainers.

Yes, the wind is the major culprit. I heard it's blowing so had that it knowcked over a couple tractor trailers. The record high temperatures we're getting are helping dry things out too.
I was watching the Weather Channel about an hour ago. They showed a barometric map that had a massive high pressure going straight south through Nevada. It is the culprit causing a steady 25 mph wind with 60 mph gusts racing in from the east side of the mountains... air that has almost nil humidity because of said deserts. The air is actually rather hot because of its desert origin... which is its own extra little 'gotcha'. The news is stating that some of the fires have been confirmed as intentional. I wonder if its nutbags, irritating teens, or perhaps a landowner with a grudge, possible eco terroritsts, I seriously doubt the foreign power insurgent angle. We have enough domestic jerkoffs to cover most theoretical angles as it is.
[to avoid tit-for-tat squirrel chasing]I'm not going to classify all this was:

. . . a Mexican illegal alien of Jewish decent, wearing a red Che' TeeShirt, (hencho en Mexico), crossing between 4:45pm and 9am on any given day, 'cept Sunday, named 'Steve'.

Or . . . as an AQ-noob affiliated with Iraq or Syria (But not iran) created by GWB in his quest for oil.

Or . . . . as personal friend of Tim Robbiins. [/to avoid tit-for-tat squirrel chasing]

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

-Theres been a number of large fires started by those crossing the border in the past.

And . . .

-Forest fire have in-fact been planned as a form of terrorism by the terrorist. it consumes huge resourses and create confusion on a mass scale, perfect for them.

-Yes, we do have many Alien species in California that contribute to wild-fuel. Given that most were brought here from africa, india, china, europe etc. but we also have grasses and other flora that are carried north by illegals. All of which contribute, some very much so, to CA. fires.

-The Santa Anna winds are a bitch.

Spoke with my mother inlaw this morning, she was heading to QuallCom stadium with other elders from her church. They have three big rental trucks of bedding, clothing, toys, and the food collection usually for the holidays etc.

-My wife grew-up 4th generation to live in the same house in 'La Mesa' San Diego. G'ma still lives there. (super cool house)

You can listen to live 24 hour local reporting.
President Bush has taken a series of actions to expedite high-priority fuel-reduction and forest restoration projects in our nation's forests and rangelands, including the December 2003 signing of the Healthy Forests Restoration Act. The primary goal of these projects is to reduce the fire danger and return our forests and rangelands to a healthier state.

Can you say Liberal litigations? :hippy:

Over 1,200 homes WOOF! up in flames.:hippy:. . . but the Kangaroo rat is safe. :hippy:
I almost posted something about you probably thinking it was terrorists or immigrants. :D

The news is stating that some of the fires have been confirmed as intentional. I wonder if its nutbags, irritating teens, or perhaps a landowner with a grudge, possible eco terroritsts, I seriously doubt the foreign power insurgent angle. We have enough domestic jerkoffs to cover most theoretical angles as it is.

I concur.
Overseas terrorist are likely to make it known that it's them, in most cases.

yeah, when I talk about terrorist some automatically assume I mean Islamofascist. Not so.
When I talk about illegal immigration, some people automatically assume I'm
talking about Mexicans. Not so.

I am in fact a conspiracy theorist to a certain extent, and have any number
of scenarios, and profiles.

I don't in fact blame Everything on terrorist, or illegal immigration, but when
a situation fits certain profiles, someone needs to point it out.
It just seems to be me most of the time I guess.

I care more about protection, than I do about being laughed at, or denigrated,
thus I shall continue.:nerd:
I'm not playing. Go ahead and inform us where the liberal litigation was.

Reducing fire danger is a liberal thing?