Give me a good'ol fashion Earthquake.

As a native of the southwest who watched the influx of people from everywhere else, the one lesson that was lost over time and has been taught but ignored is...

CLEAR THE LAND AROUND YOUR HOME!!!! If you live in an area that is prone to fire & you don't create space, it's your fault. Much like living on a SoCal hill right over the ocean or living on the Outer Banks. You are the master of your fate.

Good practice but, this ain't PheeeOnix and cacti. The fires right now are generally dense shrubs 4'-10' that burn hot and thick. Jumps 1,500' aren't uncommon, You can't guess which home will burn when a wall of fire comes in at 20+ miles an hour. McNalley fire had 150' tall trees, jumps upto a mile.
It's high-desert shrubbery. I know the area very well. Clear an area around every home & you'll see the fire slowed immensely. Granted, with Santa Ana's blowing it'll still jump but house don't catch as quicky if there's nothing at the base for kindling.
CNN network president Jon Klein said:
:hmm: cha-ching
FBI: al-Qaeda detainee spoke of fire plot
PHOENIX (AP) — The FBI alerted law enforcement agencies last month that an al-Qaeda terrorist now in detention had talked of masterminding a plot to set a series of devastating forest fires around the western United States.

:toast: Duress? Water boarding?

**OK spike, I lost some focus yesterday. Outside the box of a single post in the realm of the entire thread, my anger at your squirrel antics was fairly clear even thoo I moofed in saying it.
I love how Stephen Colbert pointed out the other night about how CNN was advertising its Planet in Peril series by putting poster-sized ad inserts on glossy paper in all 2.1 million or so copies of USA Today, thus ensuring the planet will still be in peril when the special airs.
ABC had a plan....

SHIPMAN: So, you think the comparison to Katrina that everybody's making in the back of their mind these days is a good one in terms of state and federal.

Focus on the bad news. So she tried again....

SHIPMAN: Well, you're saying everybody's working together, but you have heard there have been some complaints from officials. For example, in Orange County who say, 'If we'd only had more resources earlier, more planes, more firefighting resources, we might have been able to head off the fires ravaging Orange County right now.

Ahnold wouldn't have any of it.

SCHWARZENEGGER: Anyone that is complaining about the planes just wants to complain because it's a bunch of nonsense. The fact is that we have all the planes in the world here. We have 90 aircraft here and they can't fly because of the wind situation.

In fact, he tehrminated her.

SCHWARZENEGGER: Trust me when I tell you, you're looking for a mistake and you won't find it because it's all good news, as much as you maybe hate it, but it's good news. Trust me, okay?

"As much as you maybe hate it, but it's good news." :devious:
Don't Let Bush Burn California

President George Bush is playing the hero again as he tours fire-ravaged California this week. Yet his expressions of concern are not likely to be taken well, since he has stood in the way of that state's effort to fight global warming emissions for the last two years!


While California burns, your EPA is sitting on a waiver request from that state that would allow it to combat global warming through the regulation of greenhouse gases in vehicle emissions.

Friends of Guia

Bushies fault


Six undocumented Mexican immigrants were arrested today by U.S. Border Patrol agents at Qualcomm Stadium, after a report that they were stealing food and water meant for evacuees, according to spokesman Damon Foreman.

Free American Stuff

:toast: Duress? Water boarding?

**OK spike, I lost some focus yesterday. Outside the box of a single post in the realm of the entire thread, my anger at your squirrel antics was fairly clear even thoo I moofed in saying it.

Well if this post made any sense maybe we could reset. WTF does water boarding have to do with the fires now? These thoughts of yours may be clear in your head but you got to start typing so they make sense.
Man you're annoying with your effortless questions and standardized KOS replies

The waterboarding was aimed at the quoted text of "al-Qaeda terrorist now in detention " giving up stated attached information.

reset? why bother? :shrug: . I was just doing what any rational person is capable of, admitting when their wrong. Its something people do to better themselves in most everyway.

You my friend, are just 'too cool for school'. . . . that's where true ignorance comes from.

(you might also note that I pointed my mistake privately and then in 'open-thread', I assure you that I didn't do it for your peace of mind, you weren't even in the equation)
Man you're annoying with your effortless questions and standardized KOS replies

The waterboarding was aimed at the quoted text of "al-Qaeda terrorist now in detention " giving up stated attached information.

I'm sure how asking you to clarify off the wall references constitutes a standardized KOS replies. That's just more BS you use when you don't have a sensible reply.

You brought up waterboarding. I saw no previous reference to waterboarding.

Are you saying the was the al-Qaeda guy water boarded? WTF are you talking about?
Your bizarre extremely selective associations are nothing short of your ignorant attempt to become the focus of another thread.

Let me ask you a question. -- What have you contributed to this thread? - - I'll tell ya - - It has become, as so many of the threads you shred have, a diatribe of your evasiveness and ridiculous context perverted assessment of *insert just about anything here*.

I'm sorry that you need the emotional attention so badly, but then again . . . you're an emotional bleeding heart plook'r.

* * * * * *

One arsonist caught, another shot and killed, one still hiding. DEVELOPING . . .
Your bizarre extremely selective associations are nothing short of your ignorant attempt to become the focus of another thread.

Nope, You have become the focus of thread because of your rambling nonsense. I am asking very clear and direct questions about the comments you make.

You made a comment about water boarding out of nowhere. I tried to get you to clarify. We could get the focus off you if you just would give a straight answer.

But here we are posts later not knowing why you mentioned water boarding.

Let me ask you a question. -- What have you contributed to this thread? - - I'll tell ya - - It has become, as so many of the threads you shred have, a diatribe of your evasiveness and ridiculous context perverted assessment of *insert just about anything here*.

Wow, you really are projecting here. The only evasiveness here is you repeatedly making inane comments and then avoiding direct questions when asked to explain.

If you make random comments expect to get called on them.

I'm sorry that you need the emotional attention so badly, but then again . . . you're an emotional bleeding heart plook'r.

I don't need any attention. It wouyld just be nice if you tried to start making a little sense or cared to back up your comments. Then again you're a brain damaged senile moron.
Nope, You have become the focus of thread because of your rambling nonsense. I am asking very clear and direct questions about the comments you make.

Often I make comments that require average intellect to understand. You have no entitlement to demand an answer, over and over, and over, etc. . .

You made a comment about water boarding out of nowhere. I tried to get you to clarify. We could get the focus off you if you just would give a straight answer.

But here we are posts later not knowing why you mentioned water boarding.
thats because -1) You're not very bright. -2) You're too lazy to use the "I'm feeling lucky" button on google

Wow, you really are projecting here. The only evasiveness here is you repeatedly making inane comments and then avoiding direct questions when asked to explain.

If you make random comments expect to get called on them.
Again, this relates to your own cognitive deficits. IF you find I dont answer a question, try using other methods to figure out on your own. Don't expect others to do the work for you. --truly a liberal trait

I don't need any attention. It would just be nice if you tried to start making a little sense or cared to back up your comments. Then again you're a brain damaged senile moron.

So this all because you wanted to know what 'waterboarding' is? . . .and I wouldn't back it up. --silly little boy.

If . . . you really belive what you've been spewing about me, then you've made my day. It's going to be one hell of year playing with you.

Several notes:

  • Really now, don't expect for me to answer any stupid or baited questions that are a waste of everyone elses (read: other than you) time.
  • Winky is much nicer than I am, and is OCD about his perfect post. I'm OK with my ramblings that always have meaning provided the reader has some degree of abstract thinking.
  • You really don't understand the concept of projection. (but that certainly wouldn't prevent from slinging it as if you did)
  • Again, you completely avoided my question (but thats OK, I knew you wouldn't)
Often I make comments that require average intellect to understand. You have no entitlement to demand an answer, over and over, and over, etc. . .

No you often make comments that display a less than average intellect. You have no entitlement to think that someone won't point out that they're nonsense.

thats because -1) You're not very bright. -2) You're too lazy to use the "I'm feeling lucky" button on google

Nope, it's because we know what waterboarding but since there was nothing related to waterboarding in the thread your mentioning it made no sense.

Again, this relates to your own cognitive deficits. IF you find I dont answer a question, try using other methods to figure out on your own. Don't expect others to do the work for you. --truly a liberal trait

Back in reality it displays your own damaged mind. If you say something you can't support don't expect others not to call you on it. A conservative trait

So this all because you wanted to know what 'waterboarding' is? . . .and I wouldn't back it up. --silly little boy.

No it's because waterboarding had no relevance. Dumb little nutjob.

If . . . you really belive what you've been spewing about me, then you've made my day. It's going to be one hell of year playing with you.

If it's this easy to shoot you down all the time it's going to get boring playing with you.

Several notes:

  • Really now, don't expect for me to answer any stupid or baited questions that are a waste of everyone elses (read: other than you) time.

    Don't expect me not to point out retarded comments that are a waste of everyones time.
  • Winky is much nicer than I am, and is OCD about his perfect post. I'm OK with my ramblings that always have meaning provided the reader has some degree of abstract thinking.

    It's not an abstract mind that is needed. They might have meaning to a simpleton with an attraction to smilies and nonsense.
  • You really don't understand the concept of projection. (but that certainly wouldn't prevent from slinging it as if you did)

    I understand it perfectly and was watching you do it.
  • Again, you completely avoided my question (but thats OK, I knew you wouldn't)

    Why would I answer your question when you can't answer any of mine? I asked them first after all. Is that a complicated concept for you too?
Anyway...I was looking at some pictures of the aftermath and thought that those houses are also too close together. What posesses city planners to allow this insanity...besides property tax revenues. Those houses might as well have been row, or townhouses with the rate they burned down. I'm also noticing something else...the stucco and brick seem to be left standing...looks like a new building code is in order. That aside...If I can see my neighbors TV from my living room, his house is too close. In fact...if the nearest outside wall of his house is within 30 yards of the property line, his house is too close. Same for mine...when I get the scratch for a decent floorplan. makes yardwork a lot harder. Yes. It means I can't watch my neighbors stuff as effectively while he/she is away. makes a fire a bit less likely to burn down both houses at at the same time, too.