Give this man a medal

I really don't have a problem with them killing themselves either. If they hit a median I wouldn't feel any pain for their loss. But they're not just doing this on deserted roads. This guy covered a quarter mile in just over 4 seconds. You telling me he had time to react if someone were to pull into the lane he was flying in? Not a chance. He would have either slammed into someones ass end or hit the ditch, possibly going head on into someone else. This is not just a case of reckless youth, it is highly dangerous. I suspect you'd feel differently if this guy nosedived into the ass end of your truck or the front end of the wifes car.

Gonz, you can spout on about how recklessness has gotten us the best fighter pilots, mountain climbers, etc... But, tell me what kind of research or training was this good for?
Absolutely none, to my knowledge.

However, if we agree that 130, 150, 175, 200+ MPH bikes should be outlawed then I'd find myself in the MrBishop line at the next anti-gun rally. Those have one purpose...a bike has a few more. It's the user that's in need of shock treatment, not the instrument.
A.B.Normal said:

One point he makes is one I wondered about. I could build a motorcycle that would go 200+ mph, But it would be expensive and virtually undriveable on the street. I think the press is taking a little artistic license with the story. This in no way implies that the guys isn't an idiot. My bike will go very nearly 150. It has never approched that speed on the street.