Give us a Song! (lyrics thread)

Ice-T - New Jack Hustler

Hustler word I pull the trigger long
Grit my teeth spray till every nigga's gone.
Got my block sewn armored dope spots
Last thing I sweat's a sucka punk cop.
Move like a king when I roll hops
You try to flex bang another nigga drops.
You gotta deal with this cause there's no way out
Why? Cash money ain't never gonna play out.
I got nothin to lose much to gain
In my brain I got a capitalist migraine.
I gotta get paid tonight, you muthafuckin right.
[something] my grip, check my bitch, keep my game tight.
So many hos on my jock, think I'm a movie star.
Nineteen, I got a fifty thousand dollar car.
Go to school, I ain't goin for it,
Kiss my ass, bust the cap on the Moet.
Cause I don't wanna hear that crap,
Why? I'd rather be a New Jack-----Hustler

H-U-S-T-L-E-R hustler

(kid drop in)
Yo man you know what I'm sayin?
You got it goin on my man, I like how it's goin down.
You got the fly cars, the girls, the jewels.
Look at that ring right there,
I know it's real, it's gotta be real.
Man, you the flyest nigga I seen in my life!
Yo man, I just wanna roll with you man,
How can I be down?

What's up? You say you wanna be down?
Ease back, or muthafucka get beat down.
Out my face, fool I'm the illest,
Bulletproof, I die harder than Bruce Willis.
Got my crew in effect, I bought em new Jags,
So much cash, gotta keep it in Hefty bags.
All I think about is keys and Gs
Imagine that, me workin at Mickey D's (ha ha ha ha).
That's a joke cause I'm never gonna be broke,
When I die there'll be bullets and gunsmoke.
Ya don't like my lifestyle? Fuck you!
I'm rollin with the New Jack crew.
And I'm a hustler.

H-U-S-T-L-E-R hustler
New Jack, New Jack..........

Here I come, so you better break North,
As I stride, my gold chains glide back and forth.
I care nothing bout you, and that's evident.
All I love's my dope and dead presidents.
Sound crazy? Well it isn't.
The ends justifies the means, that's the system.
I learned that in school then I dropped out,
Hit the streets, checked a grip, and now I got clout.
I had nothing, and I wanted it.
You had everything, and you flaunted it.
Turned the needy into the greedy,
With cocaine, my success came speedy.
Got me twisted, jammed into a paradox.
Every dollar I get, another brother drops.
Maybe that's the plan, and I don't understand,
God damn----you got me sinkin in quicksand.
But since I don't know, and I ain't never learned,
I gotta get paid, I got money to earn.
With my posse, out on the ave,
Bump my sounds, crack a forty and laugh.
Cool out and watch my new Benz gleam,
Is this a nightmare? Or the American dream?
So think twice if you're coming down my block,
You wanna journey through hell? Well shit gets hot.
Pregnant teens, children's screams,
Life is weighed on the scales of a triple beam.
You don't come here much, and ya better not.
Wrong move (bang), ambulance cot.
I gotta get more money than you got,
So what, if some muthafucka gets shot?
That's how the game is played,
Another brother slayed, the wound is deep
BUT they're givin us a Band Aid.
My education's low but I got long dough,
Raised like a pit bull, my heart pumps nitro.
Sleep on silk, lie like a politician,
My Uzi's my best friend, cold as a mortician.
Lock me up, it's genocidal catastrophe,
There'll be another one after me!
A hustler.
H-U-S-T-L-E-R hustler.

New Jack, New Jack......
Simon And Garfunkel - America

Let us be lovers we'll marry our fortunes together
I've got some real estate here in my bag
So we bought a pack of cigarettes and Mrs. Wagner's pies
And we walked off to look for America
Cathy I said as we boarded a Greyhound in Pittsburgh
Michigan seems like a dream to me now
It took me four days to hitchhike from Saginaw
I've gone to look for America
Laughing on the bus playing games with the faces
She said the man in the gabardine suit was a spy
I said be careful his bowtie is really a camera
Toss me a cigaret I think there's one in the raincoat
We smoked the last one an hour ago
So I looked at the scenary she read her magazine
And the moon rose over an open field
Cathy I'm lost I said though I knew she was sleeping
I'm empty and aching and I don't know why
Counting the cars on the New Jersey Turnpike
They've all come to look for America
All come to look for America
Trapt - Echo :crying4:

Close my eyes
Let the whole thing pass me by
There is no time
To waste asking why
I'll run away with you by my side
I'll run away with you by my side
I need to let go, let go, let go, let go of this pride,
(Asking why)

I think about your face
And how I fall into your eyes
The outline that I trace
Around the one that I call mine
Time that called for space
Unclear where you drew the line
I don't need to solve this case
And I don't need to look behind

Close my eyes
Let the whole thing pass me by
There is no time
To waste asking why
I'll run away with you by my side
I'll run away with you by my side
I need to let go, let go, let go, let go of this pride,
(Asking why)

Do I expect to change, the past I hold inside,
with all the words I say,
repeating over in my mind,
somethings you can't erase, no matter how hard you try,
an exit to escape is all there is left to find.

Close my eyes
Let the whole thing pass me by
There is no time
To waste asking why
I'll run away with you by my side
I'll run away with you by my side
I need to let go, let go, let go, let go of this pride,
Until this echo, echo, echo, echo in my mind
Until this echo, echo, echo, echo can subside

(I know I always loved you)
(I know I always loved you)
(I know I always loved you)

So I close my eyes
Let the whole thing pass me by
There is no time
To waste asking why
I'll run away with you by my side
I'll run away with you by my side
I need to let go, let go, let go, let go of this pride,
Until this echo, echo, echo, echo in my mind
Until this echo, echo, echo, echo can subside
The Street - The Irony Of It All

Hello, Hello. My names Terry and I'm a law abider
There's nothing I like more than getting fired up on beer
And when the weekends here I to exercise my right to get paralytic and fight
Good bloke fairly
But I get well leery when geezers look at me funny
Bounce 'em round like bunnies
I'm likely to cause mischief
Good clean grief you must believe and I ain't no thief.
Law abiding and all, all legal.
And who cares about my liver when it feels good
Wwhat you need is some real manhood.
Rasher Rasher Barney and Kasha putting peoples backs up.
Public disorder, I'll give you public disorder.
I down eight pints and run all over the place
Spit in the face of an officer
See if that bothers you cause I never broke a law in my life
Someday I'm gonna settle down with a wife
Come on lads lets have another fight

Eh hello. My names Tim and I'm a criminal,
In the eyes of society I need to be in jail
For the choice of herbs I inhale.
This ain't no wholesale operation
Just a few eighths and some Playstations my's vocation
I pose a threat to the nation
And down the station the police hold no patients
Let's talk space and time
I like to get deep sometimes and think about Einstein
And Carl Young And old Kung Fu movies I like to see
Pass the hydrator please
Yeah I'm floating on thin air.
Going to Amsterdam in the New Year - top gear there
Cause I taker pride in my hobby
Home made bongs using my engineering degree
Dear Leaders, please legalise weed for these reasons.

Like I was saying to him.
I told him: "Top with me and you won't leave."
So I smacked him in the head and downed another Carling
Bada Bada Bing for the lad's night.
Mad fight, his face's a sad sight.
Vodka and Snake Bite.
Going on like a right geez, he's a twat,
Shouldn't have looked at me like that.
Anyway I'm an upstanding citizen
If a war came along I'd be on the front line with em.
Can't stand crime either them hooligans on heroin.
Drugs and criminals those thugs on the penny coloured will be the downfall of society
I've got all the anger pent up inside of me.

You know I don't see why I should be the criminal
How can something with no recorded fatalities be illegal
And how many deaths are there per year from alcohol
I just completed Gran Tourismo on the hardest setting
We pose no threat on my settee
Ooh the pizza's here will someone let him in please
"We didn't order chicken, Not a problem we'll pick it out
I doubt they meant to mess us about
After all we're all adults not louts."
As I was saying, we're friendly peaceful people
We're not the ones out there causing trouble.
We just sit in this hazy bubble with our quarters
Discussing how beautiful Gail Porter is.
MTV, BBC 2, Channel 4 is on until six in the morning.
Then at six in the morning the sun dawns and it's my bedtime.

Causing trouble, your stinking rabble
Boys saying I'm the lad who's spoiling it
You're on drugs it really bugs me when people try and tell me I'm a thug
Just for getting drunk
I like getting drunk
Cause I'm an upstanding citizen
If a war came along I'd be on the front line with em.

Now Terry you're repeating yourself
But that's okay drunk people can't help that.
A chemical reaction inside your brain causes you to forget what you're saying.

What. I know exactly what I'm saying
I'm perfectly sane
You stinking student lameo
Go get a job and stop robbing us of our taxes.

Err, well actually according to research
Government funding for further education pales in insignificance
When compared to how much they spend on repairing
Leery drunk people at the weekend
In casualty wards all over the land.

Why you cheeky little swine come here
I'm gonna batter you. Come here.
Paul Simon said:
A man walks down the street
He says why am I soft in the middle now
Why am I soft in the middle
The rest of my life is so hard
I need a photo-opportunity
I want a shot at redemption
Don't want to end up a cartoon
In a cartoon graveyard
Bonedigger Bonedigger
Dogs in the moonlight
Far away my well-lit door
Mr. Beerbelly Beerbelly
Get these mutts away from me
You know I don't find this stuff amusing anymore

If you'll be my bodyguard
I can be your long lost pal
I can call you Betty
And Betty when you call me
You can call me Al

A man walks down the street
He says why am I short of attention
Got a short little span of attention
And wo my nights are so long
Where's my wife and family
What if I die here
Who'll be my role-model
Now that my role-model is
Gone Gone
He ducked back down the alley
With some roly-poly little bat-faced girl
All along along
There were incidents and accidents
There were hints and allegations

If you'll be my bodyguard
I can be your long lost pal
I can call you Betty
And Betty when you call me
You can call me Al
Call me Al

A man walks down the street
It's a street in a strange world
Maybe it's the Third World
Maybe it's his first time around
He doesn't speak the language
He holds no currency
He is a foreign man
He is surrounded by the sound
The sound
Cattle in the marketplace
Scatterlings and orphanages
He looks around, around
He sees angels in the architecture
Spinning in infinity
He says Amen! and Hallelujah!

If you'll be my bodyguard
I can be your long lost pal
I can call you Betty
And Betty when you call me
You can call me Al
Call me Al


"Keep On Rockin' In The Free World"

There's colors on the street
Red, white and blue
People shufflin' their feet
People sleepin' in their shoes
But there's a warnin' sign
on the road ahead
There's a lot of people sayin'
we'd be better off dead
Don't feel like Satan,
but I am to them
So I try to forget it,
any way I can.

Keep on rockin' in the free world,
Keep on rockin' in the free world
Keep on rockin' in the free world,
Keep on rockin' in the free world.

I see a woman in the night
With a baby in her hand
Under an old street light
Near a garbage can
Now she puts the kid away,
and she's gone to get a hit
She hates her life,
and what she's done to it
There's one more kid
that will never go to school
Never get to fall in love,
never get to be cool.

Keep on rockin' in the free world,
Keep on rockin' in the free world
Keep on rockin' in the free world,
Keep on rockin' in the free world.

We got a thousand points of light
For the homeless man
We got a kinder, gentler,
Machine gun hand
We got department stores
and toilet paper
Got styrofoam boxes
for the ozone layer
Got a man of the people,
says keep hope alive
Got fuel to burn,
got roads to drive.

Keep on rockin' in the free world,
Keep on rockin' in the free world
Keep on rockin' in the free world,
Keep on rockin' in the free world.

Bullet the Blue Sky

In the howling wind comes a stinging rain
See it driving nails into souls on the tree of pain
From the firefly, a red orange glow
See the face of fear running scared in the valley below

The sky
The sky
Bullet the blue sky
Bullet the blue sky
Bullet the blue sky
Bullet the blue sky

In the locust wind comes a rattle and hum
Jacob wrestled the angel and the angel was overcome
You plant a demon seed, you raise a flower of fire
See them burning crosses, see the flames, higher and higher

The sky
The sky
Bullet the blue sky
Bullet the blue sky
Bullet the blue sky
Bullet the blue sky

And this guy comes up to me
His face red like a rose on a thorn bush
Like all the colours of a royal flush
And he's peeling off those dollar bills
Slapping them down
One hundred, two hundred
And I can see those fighter planes
And I can see those fighter planes
Across the mud huts as the children sleep
Through the alleys of a quiet city street
We take the staircase to the first floor
We turn the key and slowly unlock the door
As a man breathes deep into saxophone
And through the walls we hear the city groan
Outside is America
Outside is America
See across the field
See the sky ripped open
See the rain coming through the gaping wound
Pelting the women and children who run into the arms of America
This song will forever have new meaning for me since I saw Fahrenheit 9/11


Shiny Happy People

Shiny happy people laughing
Meet me in the crowd
People people
Throw your love around
Love me love me
Take it into town
Happy happy
Put it in the ground
Where the flowers grow
Gold and silver shine

Shiny happy people holding hands
Shiny happy people laughing

Everyone around love them, love them
Put it in your hands
Take it take it
There's no time to cry
Happy happy
Put it in your heart
Where tomorrow shines
Gold and silver shine

Shiny happy people holding hands
Shiny happy people laughing
A lovely piece of Americana.....

Easy E - Nobody Move

Yo Ren you're ready to go get this move?
[Believe that boy]
You're strapped?
[Yeah you know it]
Let's go do this man I got it all planned out
[Yeah shoot any motherf****** that moves]
["Alright everybody..."]
This is a stick up everybody get face down
Ren gag their mouths so they can't make a sound
Tie em up for the fact that I'm kickin ass
I got my hand on my gat and I'm tempted to blast
My name is Eazy, but I go the hard way out
This ain't personal, but now I'm about
to commit a crime and go thru with it
You know what, no need for shakin, because I'm used to it
Take out the security guard with a slap of my hand
Yeah, he's wearin' a badge, but he's a ol ass man
Pump his ass in the head, and take his gun
so me and the punk can go one on one
Cover the lens on the TV screen
you know, so me and my gang just can't be seen
Lock the doors, and throw away the key
Close the blinds, so no motherf****** can see
and smile, you know, cause I'm controllin the shit
and no sucker ass nigga's gonna stop the hit
Wardrobes and locs, and a Ruthless shirt
That means I'm ready to work, and rush a fool to the dirt, so
["Nobody moves, nobody gets hurt"] *pow*
(repeat 4X)
[Alright, anybody move and I'll blow your f****** head off]
Empty your pockets, but do it slow
Take everything you got and lay it on the f***** floor
Don't make me have to set an example today
and blow one of you crazy motherf******* away
I'm in a bank, and it's a little bit funny
takin all you stupid motherf*******' money
Peepin at a bitch cause my d***'s on hard
Laughin at the dumb ass security guard
who's tied up for the moment, not sayin' a word
I should have known it before, the motherf******* a nerd
But back to the bitches I'm peepin
and then untie the hoe, so I can start creepin
Took her to the backroom, about to jack
Cold trailed the bitch, with a gun in the back
I said: "Lay down, and unbutton your bra!"
There was the biggest t****** that a nigga ever saw
I said: "Damn", then the air got thinner
Only thought in my mind, was goin' up in her
The suspense was makin' me sick
She took her panties down and the bitch had a d***!
I said: "Damn", dropped the gat from my hand
[What I thought was a bitch, was nothing but a man]
Put the gat to his legs, all the way up his skirt
because this is one f***** that I had to hurt, so
[I said get down. I want you all face-down on the floor
Anybody moves and I shoot]
Stackin up the money and there's more to collect
cause I don't give a f***, I take traveler's checks
Yo, Ren, peep out the window, and tell me what you see
[Three motherf***** police starin at me; what to do now?]
Hurry up and get on
Allright, tell me, who is the motherf***** alarm?
I'm a give ya a chance, and count to three
or else five of ya bitches are comin with me
[Police: Allright, Allright, come out niggaz, or we're coming in
This is the only chance to turn yourself in]
F*** you! We got hostages, and plenty of loot
and don't give a damn and not afraid to shoot
We're sendin out the hostages, all except five
and if you don't meet our demands, they won't stay alive
We want a copter, so we can get away clean
and take some p**** along, if you know what I mean
One hostage got brave, and got off the floor
but I smoked his ass before he got to the door
[Police: They shot a hostage, they shot a hostage!]
[MC Ren: You stupid motherf***** tryin' to run
now you're dead as f*** tryin' to race a gun]
[Police: Allright, this is the last chance to get off your ass
or else the tear gas is about to blast]
I ran to the back and Ren followed behind
to a hell of a spot that was hard to find
The bank was f***** up, the s*** was smokin
with screamin hostages, runnin and chokin
Gettin away, but I was suddenly stopped
at point blank range, by a motherf***** cop
And I hope they don't think that a lesson was taught
cause a nigga like the E was finally caught
My gat wouldn't fire, the s*** wouldn't work
So, y'all know what time it is
[Police: Well I'm giving you five seconds to let us thru the gate or
I'm gonna shoot two of your guards]
[Hehe, they got me once, but they'll never get me again]
It was the third of September
That day I'll always remember, yes I will
'Cause that was the day that my daddy died
I never got a chance to see him
Never heard nothing but bad things about him
Mama, I'm depending on you to tell me the tuth

And Mama just hung her head and said
"Son, Papa was a rolling stone
Wherever he laid his hat was his home
(And when he died) All he left us was alone"
"Papa was a rolling stone, my son
Wherever he laid his hat was his home
(And when he died) All he left us was alone"

Well, well

Hey Mama, is it true what they say
that Papa never worked a day in his life
And Mama, some bad talk going around town
saying that Papa had three outside children and another wife
And that ain't right
Hey, talk about Papa doing some store front preaching
Talked about saving souls and all the time leaching
Dealing in debt and stealing in the name of the Lord

Mama just hung her head and said
"Papa was a rolling stone, my son
Wherever he laid his hat was his home
(And when he died) All he left us was alone"
"Hey, Papa was a rolling stone
Wherever he laid his hat was his home
(And when he died) All he left us was alone"


Hey Mama, I heard Papa called himself a jack of all trades
Tell me is that what sent Papa to an early grave
Folks say Papa would beg, borrow, steal to pay his bills
Hey Mama, folks say that Papa was never much on thinking
Spent most of his life chasing women and drinking
Mama, I'm depending on you to tell me the truth

And Mama looked up with a tear in her eye and said
"Son, Papa was a rolling stone
(Well, well, well, well)
Wherever he laid his hat was his home
(And when he died)
All he left us was alone, lone, lone, lone, alone"
"Papa was a rolling stone
Wherever he laid his hat was his home
(And when he died) All he left us was alone"

"I said, Papa was a rolling stone
Wherever he laid his hat was his home
(And when he died) All he left us was alone"

The Temptations (thought you knew)
If this ain't about Cocaine or Speed addiction then it sure still fits it anyway.

Metallica - Master Of Puppets

End of passion play, crumbling away
I’m your source of self-destruction
Veins that pump with fear, sucking darkest clear
Leading on your deaths construction

Taste me you will see
More is all you need
You’re dedicated to
How I’m killing you

Come crawling faster
Obey your master
Your life burns faster
Obey your master

Master of puppets I’m pulling your strings
Twisting your mind and smashing your dreams
Blinded by me, you can’t see a thing
Just call my name, `cause I’ll hear you scream
Just call my name, `cause I’ll hear you scream
[end chorus]

Needlework the way, never you betray
Life of death becoming clearer
Pain monopoly, ritual misery
Chop your breakfast on a mirror


Master, master, where’s the dreams that I’ve been after?
Master, master, you promised only lies
Laughter, laughter, all I hear and see is laughter
Laughter, laughter, laughing at my cries

Hell is worth all that, natural habitat
Just a rhyme without a reason
Neverending maze, drift on numbered days
Now your life is out of season

[fade out with evil laughter].
Pink Floyd _ Time

Ticking away the moments that make up the dull day

You fritter and waste the hours in an off hand way

Kicking around on a piece of ground in your home town

Waiting for someone or something to show you the way


Tired of lying in the sunshine staying home to watch the rain

You are young and life is long and there is time to kill today

And then one day you find that ten years have got behind you

No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun


And you run and run to catch up with the sun, but it's sinking

And racing around to come up behind you again

The sun is the same in a relative way, but you're older

Shorter of breath and one day closer to death


Every year is getting shorter, never seem to find the time

Plans that either come to naught or a half page of scribbled lines

Hanging on in a quiet desperation is the English way

The time is gone the song is over, thought i'd something more to say
Maroon 5 - She will be loved

Beauty queen of only eighteen
She had some trouble with herself
He was always there to help her
She always belonged to someone else

I drove for miles and miles
And wound up at your door
I've had you so many times but somehow
I want more

I don't mind spending everyday
Out on your corner in the pouring rain
Look for the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile
And she will be loved
She will be loved

Tap on my window knock on my door
I want to make you feel beautiful
I know I tend to get so insecure
It doesn't matter anymore

It's not always rainbows and butterflies
It's compromise that moves us along
My heart is full and my door's always open
You can come anytime you want

I don't mind spending everyday
Out on your corner in the pouring rain
Look for the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile
And she will be loved
She will be loved

I know where you hide
Alone in your car
Know all of the things that make you who you are
I know that goodbye means nothing at all
Comes back and begs me to catch her every time she falls
by Gap Band

Girl, you’re lookin’ sweeter now
You got it every day, girl
Wish that I could love you now
In a special way

You light my fire
I feel alive with you, baby
You blow my mind
I’m satisfied

Outstanding (So outstanding, yeah)
Girl, you knock me out
Excited (I’m so excited, baby)
It makes me wanna shout (Baby)

Gee, I feel so lucky, girl
To have you all alone
I really love the way you love me
Forever I’ll be yours

You blow my mind, baby
I’m so alive with you, baby
You blow my mind, baby
You blow my mind, baby, baby

You light my fire {You light my fire}
I feel alive with you, baby { I feel alive}
You blow my mind {You blow my mind}
I’m satisfied {I’m satisfied}

Outstanding (You’re so outstanding, yeah)
Girl, you knock me out (Dooby dooby dooby dooby dooby you knock me out)
Excited (So excited, baby)
It makes me wanna shout (Girl, you know, you know, you know you knock me out)

Outstanding (I really love the way you knock me out)
Girl, you knock me out (Girl, you know, you know, you know you knock me out)
(Shooby dooby dooby doo doo dooby)
(Girl, you knock me out)

(So excited, baby)
(Girl, you know, you know, you know you knock me out)
(Girl, you know, you know, you know you knock me out)
(I-I’m so-so excited)
(So outstandin’, baby)
(Girl, you know, you know, you know you knock me out)
(I really love the way you love me, girl)
(So outstandin’)

Outstanding (So outstanding, girl)
Girl, you knock me out (Girl, you know, you know, you know you knock me out)
Excited (Girl, you know, you know, you know you knock me out)
It makes me wanna shout

You blow my mind, baby {You blow my mind}
I’m so alive with you, baby
You blow my mind, baby {You blow my mind}
You blow my mind, baby

You light my fire {You light my fire}
I feel alive with you, baby, baby
You blow my mind {You blow my mind}
I’m satisfied {I’m satisfied}

Girl, you knock me out
Excited (So excited)
It makes me wanna shout

Outstanding (Hey)
Girl, you knock me out (Girl, you knock me out, baby)
It makes me wanna shout (Make me wanna shout, baby)

Girl, you knock me out (Girl, you know you knock me out, baby)
(Girl, you know, you know you knock me out, babe)
George Michael

I've had enough of danger
And people on the streets
I'm looking out for angels
Just trying to find some peace
Now I think it's time
That you let me know
So if you love me
Say you love me
But if you don't just let me go...

'Cos teacher
There are things that I don't want to learn
And the last one I had
Made me cry
So I don't want to learn to
Hold you, touch you
Think that you're mine
Because it ain't no joy
For an uptown boy
Whose teacher has told him goodbye, goodbye, goodbye

When you were just a stranger
And I was at your feet
I didn't feel the danger
Now I feel the heat
That look in your eyes
Telling me no
So you think that you love me
Know that you need me
I wrote the song, I know it's wrong
Just let me go...

And teacher
There are things
That I don't want to learn
Oh the last one I had
Made me cry
So I don't want to learn to
Hold you, touch you
Think that you're mine
Because it ain't no joy
For an uptown boy
Whose teacher has told him goodbye, goodbye, goodbye

So when you say that you need me
That you'll never leave me
I know you're wrong, you're not that strong
Let me go

And teacher
There are things
That I still have to learn
But the one thing I have is my pride
Oh so I don't want to
Hold you, touch you
Think that you're mine
Because there ain't no joy
For an uptown boy
Who just isn't willing to try

I'm so cold
Maybe just one more try...

Good singing voice, but a bit too egotistical. Closed his website because he didn't like critiscism. :shrug:
Chicago - If You Leave Me Now

If you leave me now, you’ll take away the biggest part of me
No baby please don’t go
If you leave me now, you’ll take away the very heart of me
No baby please don’t go

A love like ours is love that’s hard to find
How could we let it slip away
We’ve come too far to leave it all behind
How could we end it all this way
When tomorrow comes we’ll both regret
Things we said today

A love like ours is love that’s hard to find
How could we let it slip away
We’ve come too far to leave it all behind
How could we end it all this way
When tomorrow comes we’ll both regret
Things we said today

If you leave me now, you’ll take away the biggest part of me
No baby please don’t go
Oh girl, just got to have you by my side

No baby, please don’t go

Oh mama, I just got to have your lovin, yeah

We’ve come too far to leave it all behind
This is a band that to me just means summertime.....

Van Halen - Hot For Teacher

Oh, wow, man, I said
Wait a second, man
What do you think the teacher's gonna look like this year?
Fuck man!

Oh yeah!

T-T-teacher stop that screamin'
Teacher don't you see?
Don't wanna be no uptown fool
Maybe I should go to hell
But I am doing well
Teacher needs to see me after school

I think of all the education that I've missed
But then my homework was never quite like this!

Ow! Got it bad,
Got it bad,
Got it bad,
I'm hot for teacher!
I've got it bad, so bad
I'm hot for teacher!

Hey, I heard you missed us
We're back! (Hey!)
I brought my pencil
Give me something to write on, man!



I heard about your lessons
but lessons are so cold
I didn't know about this school
Little girl from Cherry Lawn
How can you be so bold?
How did you know that golden rule?

I think of all the education that I've missed
But then my homework was never quite like this!

Whoa! Got it bad,
Got it bad,
Got it bad,
I'm hot for teacher!
I've got it bad, so bad
I'm hot for teacher!

(Guitar Solo)

Oh man, I think the clock is slow
(What are you doin' this weekend?) I don't feel tardy
Class dismissed!

I've got it bad,
Got it bad,
Got it bad,
I'm hot for teacher!

Oh! Ooh, yes I'm hot

Oh my God!
It was the 1968 Democratic national convention.
Chicago/We Can Change the World
Graham Nash

Though your brother's bound and gagged
And they've chained him to a chair
Won't you please come to Chicago
Just to sing
In a land that's known as freedom
How can such a thing be fair
Won't you plaese come to Chicago
For the help we can bring
We can change the world -
Re-arrange the world
It's dying - to get better
Politicians sit yourself down,
There's nothing for you here
Won't you please come to Chicago
For a ride
Don't ask Jack to help you
Cause he'll turn the other ear
Won't you please come to Chicago
Or else join the other side
We can change the world -
Re-arrange the world
It's dying - if you believe in justice
It's dying - and if you believe in freedom
It's dying - let a man live it's own life
It's dying - rules and regulations, who needs them
Open up the door
Somehow people must be free
I hope the day comes soon
Won't you please come to Chicago
Show your face
From the bottom to the ocean
To the mountains of the moon
Won't you please come to Chicago
No one else can take your place
We can change the world -
Re-arrange the world
It's dying - if you believe in justice
It's dying - and if you believe in freedom
It's dying - let a man live it's own life
It's dying - rules and regulations, who needs them
Open up the door
We can change the world
Oh - so mood appropriate right now! :crying2:

Avril Lavigne - Fall to Pieces
I looked away
Then I looked back at you
You tried to say
The things that you can't undo
If i had my way
I'd never get over you
Todays the day
I pray that we make it through

Make it through the fall
Make through it all


I don't wanna fall to pieces
I just want to sit and stare at you
I don't wanna talk about it
And I dont want a conversation
I just wanna cry in front of you
I don't wanna talk about it
Cuz I'm in love with you

Your the only one
I'd be with 'til the end
When i come undone
You bring me back agian
Back under the stars
Back into your arms


Wanna know who you are
Wanna know where to start
I wanna know what this means
Wanna know how you feel
Wanna know what is real
I wanna know everything


I'm love with you
Cuz I'm love with you
I'm in love with you
I'm in love with you